Watch Out!
Isn’t there a joke about why did the geese (or chicken) cross the road? As I drove the car through a Cary, NC shopping center, our son noticed and photographed this family of Canadian Geese crossing the road. We can assume the chicks were too young to fly strutted in between the parents. Drivers sped by the busy road as the geese tried to find a gap to cross searching for a nearby pond.
This photo reveals the danger that nature faces everyday surviving in the expanding human environment. It also shows how we humans need to be vigilant of nature surrounding us to avoid collisions.
Most parents will do everything they can to protect their children. Even Middle East peace is possible as President Carter negotiated with the leaders of Israel and Egypt by showing photos of their grandchildren while asking what kind of world did they want for their progeny.
So what kind of world do we want for current and future generations? Flourishing in a healthy world abundant with natural resources that sustains all life in balance is the goal of sustainability. The laws of nature strive to continue this balance and people can either realign by becoming defensive drivers in the world environment taking responsibility or acting selfishly wreaking havoc by exploiting nature like road rage maniacs.
Watch Out! With every purchase we make we can ask if this product is sustainably benefiting us and nature. We must reduce our demand on resources like oil, gas, water, food, clothes and more. Conserve and use the minimum necessary or become more efficient in using resources - make it a fun game with your family to get by with just enough. It’s like buying car insurance - we all need it to drive - and the lower risk drivers pay less for their insurance. Prosper — the result of needing and using less, minimizing expenses, and maximizing profits!