Senator Michael Bennet's TownHall
Thursday 2-20-20 was a very auspicious day! I arrived at the Colorado Mesa University campus by 7:30 am to sit in a class on mine reclamation taught by a colleague; later I met with an environmental science professor to discuss opportunities to support him and his students, and then joined the townhall with Senator Michael Bennet. Approximately 200 people showed up, mostly senior citizens which surprised me that so few students joined the lunchtime meeting. Senator Bennet described his bid running for the Democratic nomination to be President in 2020. He dropped out of the race after hoping to do better in Iowa and especially New Hampshire. He did get numerous endorsements including James Carville and Gary Hart.
Check out the KJCT8 inteview, “Big topics included: climate change, public lands, gun control and getting the younger generation involved in politics.” Stay tuned for more on this space regarding his legislative initiative Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy (CORE) Act!
I felt very lucky to hear him speak and to get to be the last person to meet him for a photo op before he left for other meetings.