Memorial Day 2023
For the past eight years since starting the Conserve-Prosper website, Memorial Day holds a special place in my heart remembering American military families, including my own family. The blog from 2021 provides a summary of remembrances sharing how my parents and all Americans wisely used resources during the war years which continued to be the custom in our home decades later. We commonly heard our parents say, “Waste not, want not” meaning if we use a commodity or resource carefully and without extravagance, we will never be in need. Conservation programs like rationing supplies of food, fuel, and paper became urgent during the war years. Due to the national war effort at home and abroad, the Allies won the Second World War and America prospered greatly.
Would you agree we can get by with less? Make it a game. See if you can find ways to save money and time by becoming more efficient in using resources. We can all be soldiers in the fight to protect nature from wiping us off the planet!