Hope Jahren is a best selling author and professor of Geobiology at the University of Hawaii in Manoa. I found her book “The Story of More: How We Got To Climate Change And Where To Go From Here” recently at the Salem Middle School library. This young adult version published in 2021 offers a very clear summary of global environmental impacts mostly due to our consumer lifestyles and actions we can take to use less and share more.
For example, America’s exorbitant consumption of 20% world’s resources and historically producing the most carbon dioxide with only 4% of the world’s population indicates we have the largest incentives and levers to change our habits. One of the strongest ways to positively change our story is to consume less such as conserving energy. That’s been my focus for almost 10 years since this blog began! I highly recommend readers of all ages get a chance to consume and act on the advice presented in this hopeful contribution!