Albert Einstein

Asking Questions and Getting Truthful Answers is Critical to Our Survival

I just finished reading Ken Coleman’s book One Question: Life-Changing Answers from Today’s Leading Voices. Published in 2013, the book is very relevant to the challenges we face individually, for families, businesses and society. He shares interviews with one unique question for each of the 36 famous people including Jimmy Carter on reinvention, John McCain on courage, and Ken Blanchard on leading with love.

The book cites a quote from Albert Einstein, “To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”

The book’s three main themes of succeeding, surviving, and sustaining provide structure to the insightful and inspirational questions and answers.

With thinking of our current global crisis of COVID-19 several of the interviews are relevant on dealing with fear, obstacles, starting over, accountability, gratitude, health, fulfillment, legacy, passing the torch, and more.

One interview with Tony Robbins is particularly relevant in response to Ken Coleman’s question, “How can dream chasers achieve their full potential and find fulfillment in life?”

Tony Robbins response includes the statement, “Whatever we focus on affects our state, and our state then affects the story we have about who we are, what life is about, what’s possible, and what’s not. From that story we often determine whether or not we will maximize our capabilities and the strategies that will help us achieve what we’re truly after in a sustainable way.”

Here Tony Robbins is talking about our state of mind affecting our physiology and opportunities to achieve our potential. Asking the right questions and getting truthful answers from our loved ones to our customers, managers, and government leaders is so very critical especially during a pandemic crisis.

Overcoming Obstacles: A Few People I Admire

Do you agree that overcoming personal and social challenges takes courage and persistence? Our challenge might be a learning disorder, a physical issue, or peer pressure resulting in political correctness. Learning challenges affect 1 in 5 children according to the NCLD. One in 4 adults in America live with a disability according to the CDC.

The novel Covid-19 virus affects 100% of us. Wearing a mask is proven to save lives during the pandemic but many people refuse. Not convinced? Check out the county comparison posted on Everyone with or without a preexisting personal challenge needs wear a mask - it could save your life and the lives of other people. I posted a blog on April 1 about mask confusion and many people in the U.S. are still not wearing masks.

I admire my wife and son (shown in the photo) for overcoming many personal challenges and being willing to wear the mask!

We admire Greta for acknowledging how her autism fuels her passion to fight carbon pollution and asking people to listen to scientists.

We admire Governor Gavin for sharing how his learning challenges taught him to solve problems and inspire others. He deserves much credit for his environmental and public health actions.

There are so many more famous people that we admire who overcame adversity including Ben Franklin, Albert Einstein, and Oprah Winfrey. Everyone has something and now we must all join together to fight the virus!

Before we judge or blame others, let’s smile with compassionate eyes and feel our shared humanity and goodwill towards all creatures.