Leonard Nimoy

How did we select the organization name of "Conserve & Pro$per LLC?"

Recall in the Star Trek TV series Mr. Spock frequently said "Live Long and Prosper!" In honor of Leonard Nimoy who passed away this February, we can always remember him and the millions of fans by thinking about ways we can possess long and fulfilling lives.

To live long lives for ourselves and future generations we must be aware of our situation. How far will we get if we run out of gasoline, food, water, money - you name it? Some people act like all the world's "renewable" resources are infinite. For example, many groundwater supplies in North America were created over 15,000 years ago during the Pleistocene Epoch. This water came from glacial snow melt and is very pure quality. However, many groundwater resources using deep wells are being used up so quickly in just a few decades. So even though groundwater is considered a "renewable" resource can it take very long to recharge. Most desert environments are not gaining but are losing water.

So the goal of Conserve & Pro$per is to share information to other educators, businesses, homeowners, etc. that we can improve our balance with nature by being more aware of our situation. Most utilities promote conservation by progressively charging higher rates as we use more resources. Here in Grand Junction, we pay $20 per month to use up to 3000 gallons of drinking water. The charge for using more water costs an extra $3.70 per 1000 gallons. We typically use about 3000 gallons per month during the winter and double that during the summer growing season to water plants using a  drip irrigation system. People who need to grow grass will need over 30,000 gallons per month costing about $140 or more.

The water rates are very low in Colorado as compared to other western states and we see lots of people watering on grass and streets. Let's work together to find solutions to our common problems. Contact us to learn more.