Food Awareness Is Key to Our Health

Consuming the right foods is an increasingly huge challenge. As kids we ate too much junk food, sugar, and white bread — getting older with more awareness, we are spending more to find the best quality food that fits our diet and budget. I wish I knew more when I was younger so maybe some of my lessons learned can help others.

I recently got a lab blood test from US BioTek that indicated the best foods for me to eat. I discovered the need to avoid beef, dairy and egg products, oats, and certain citrus fruits and vegetables like mushrooms. I used to like eating a can of white albacore tuna each week and new guidelines indicate waiting about 10 days for adults and monthly or longer for kids due to mercury levels.

WebMD lists healthy vegetables that are sources of good carbs including broccoli, carrots, corn, sweet potatoes, beets, parsnips, brussels sprouts, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and spinach. These are great to eat fresh, in stir fry, or a crock-pot stew with chicken or other meat.

Many studies indicate how sugar causes numerous illnesses so we avoid soda drinks and many desserts. Going gluten free and reducing bad carbs is making for a slimmer waistline. We’ve also found benefits in juicing vegetables, like celery, and making protein smoothies. The new testing is showing my food allergies to Whey, Soy and Pea Protein so lately the Hemp protein powder in almond milk is working very well.

Keep finding the best foods that work for you and your family!