The Environmental Legacy of the 41st President

Today, (December 5th, 2018 and reposted in 2020) the nation celebrated the life of President George Herbert Walker Bush with a state funeral at the National Cathedral.

My friend Dave, who works for the U.S. Geological Survey as a Research Hydrologist in Helena, Montana, sent me an article of a 1989 speech by the 41st President at the Montana capitol. Beyond the Clean Air Act Amendments mentioned in my previous blog, I had forgotten that President George H.W. Bush spoke out strongly for the U.S. to lead the world to defend the environment, promote conservation, plant trees, and combat global warming (climate change). He directed EPA to provide training to Peace Corps volunteers.

Here is an excerpt from the speech:

“The single most significant word today in the language of all environmentalists is interdependence. That’s a fact all Montanans should find it easy to appreciate. Not so many miles from where we stand is a spot called the Triple Divide, where the waters begin their separate journeys to the Pacific, to the Gulf of Mexico, to the Hudson Bay and the Arctic beyond — the Earth’s own geography lesson in global interdependence. The plain fact is this: Pollution can’t be contained by lines drawn on a map.

The actions we take can have consequences felt the world over. The destruction of the rain forests in Brazil. The ravages of acid rain that threaten not just our country, but our neighbors to the north and not just the east but the lakes and forests of the west as well. The millions of tons of airborne pollutants carried across the continents and the threat of global warming. We know now that protecting the environment is a global issue. The nations of the world must make common cause in defense of our environment. And I promise you this: This nation, the United States of America, will take the lead internationally. (Applause.)

Here in this great state, you’re already taking the lead with your commitment to the environment, led by every schoolchild in this state who’s planted a Ponderosa Pine to commemorate 100 years of history. In just a few minutes I’ll be planting a tree of my own, and let me say from the heart, there’s no finer symbol of the love each one of us feels for this land than a tree growing up in Montana’s good earth. We’re working hard to clean up America, but we can’t stop there. We’ve got to work with the rest of the world to preserve the planet.

We’re already taking action. To preserve the ozone layer, we’re going to ban all release of CFCs into the atmosphere by the year 2000. To prevent pollution of the world’s oceans we’re going to end virtually all ocean dumping of sewage and industrial wastes by 1991. (Applause.) And after that, anyone who continues to pollute is going to pay for it with stiff fines. And we’re going to join forces with other nations.

In February, the United States will host the plenary meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. In July when I visited Poland and Hungary, I pledged America’s help in tackling the increasingly serious pollution problems those two nations face. At the Paris economic summit, we helped the environment achieve the status that it deserves at the top of the agenda for the seven major industrial democracies. And I mean to keep it right there at the top of the agenda. (Applause.)

America spends more than any other nation in the world on environmental research, and we’re going to continue this pioneering effort to protect the environment and put that environmental expertise to work in the developing world as well. We cannot pollute today and postpone the cleanup until tomorrow. We have got to make pollution prevention our aim. And sharing our expertise with the world is one way to do exactly that. Today, I want to announce a new environmental initiative — one that will bring the Environmental Protection Agency and the Peace Corps together in a joint venture in the service of the global environment.

Beginning in 1990, as part of their standard preparation for duty, Peace Corps volunteers will be trained by the EPA to deal with the full range of environmental challenges water pollution, prevention, waste disposal, reforestation, pesticide management. Armed with greater knowledge about our environment, our Peace Corps volunteers are going to help spread the word in the developing world. They’ll work to stop pollution before it starts and ensure that economic development and environmental stewardship go hand in hand. And Montanans know more than most how much that means, how vital it is for us to accept our responsibilities, our stewardship — the environment in Montana, across America, and around the world. We hold this land in trust for the generations that come after. The air and the Earth are riches we simply cannot squander.”

Mitigating Nuclear Hazards - Part 1 Overview

(Originally posted June 3, 2019)

To discuss my experience with mitigating nuclear hazards, I like to say that I am the only person I know of who has worked on almost every aspect of the nuclear fuel cycle. Please let me know if you know anyone else making such a bold claim so perhaps we can gain their perspective? Groups that gave me this experience include the University of Wyoming, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, U.S. Department of Energy, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as well as several consulting assignments.

Ironically, in the U.S. we do not have a complete nuclear fuel cycle so a person would need to work with the French on reprocessing spent fuel to go full circle. The examination of the nuclear fuel cycle for mitigating hazards is relevant to nations and taxpayers under the construct of Conserve & Pro$per on many levels that will be discussed.

As shown on the figure, the nuclear fuel cycle is the process necessary to generate electric power (as well as medical isotopes) in a reactor. The cycle begins with mining, involves several steps to produce and burn fuel rods, store spent fuel, then ultimately burial in a engineered-geological repository. As discussed on my blog post about the Green New Deal, we all use nuclear energy, which accounts for about 20% or one-fifth of our electricity generated in the U.S. So even for the anti-nuclear activists, we all must be aware of the risks and costs involving the nuclear fuel cycle including the fact that we must properly deal with existing nuclear waste.

I will need many blog postings to explain my experience with the nuclear fuel cycle and provide examples of mitigating nuclear hazards. Here is my proposed outline to be provided in upcoming blog posts:

  1. Overview

  2. Uranium Mining

  3. Uranium Mills and Clean Up

  4. Yellowcake Conversion, Enrichment, and Fuel

  5. Nuclear Reactors - Operations, Relicensing, and Decommissioning

  6. Spent Fuel Storage

  7. High-level Waste Disposal

  8. Accidents

Thanks for your support and interest!

A 30-day Blogging Challenge to Prepare the First Monthly Newsletter

(Originally posted June 1, 2019)

I am challenging myself to provide meaningful content on the Conserve & Prosper blog EVERY DAY this month of June 2019! In return, I would greatly appreciate your thoughts, likes (or dislikes), comments, and topics of interest to make this relevant to all the readers! If you’re interested in looking at my resume, please see my LinkedIn page.

I officially retired from my U.S. Government job as an environmental scientist just one month ago! I’m feeling a tremendous relief from the high-stress office politics that came from the top on down and look forward to sharing insights on my many experiences in future blogs. The federal government is increasingly a very challenging, chaotic and restrictive place to work, especially for dedicated scientists who are focused on truth, justice, and making meaningful actions.

I worked in several administrations starting with Ronald Reagan and civil servants were told to stay non-political and could not engage in political activism per the Hatch Act. With the sharp political, anti-government divisions of nationalism occurring in the U.S. and globally, civil servants and especially the scientific community are needing to become activists as demonstrated by the first March for Science as described in my blog on Earth Day 2017. A great book I highly recommend on the transition between the Obama to Trump administrations affecting the Department of Energy and other federal agencies is The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis!

However, disruptions also occurred when President Obama took office in 2008 and he made a campaign promise to Harry Reid, defying the law, to shut down the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. This resulted in my DOE Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management closing, reductions-in-force (i.e. layoffs), and total chaos for finding new jobs - especially for scientists as described by the Government Accountability Office. This severely affected the political environment of other agencies including the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I will go into much more detail in an upcoming blog on nuclear waste disposal.

Blogging (my First Amendment right) for the past four years during weekends and holidays gave me a healthy outlet but resulted in my making just a few posts per month. The blogging opened me up more than ever to what is going on in our precious environment and how people around the world are being affected yet becoming more aware of our perilous situation. Obviously, I had to be non-political (as a federal civil servant) to provide unbiased educational news. Now, I can REALLY share my opinion and views on what is happening on many topics!

Over the past two years, I have also been occasionally working as a substitute teacher at local elementary, middle, and high schools. What an awesome, exhilarating, and sometimes intense experience to spend time with youthfully exuberant kids as well as dedicated teachers and administrators. These full-time professionals definitely deserve more appreciation as shown through better pay and newer schools.

So far I have not been commercial advertising on the website and hope you’ve enjoyed the non-commercial content! In the near future, I plan to provide products including a monthly newsletter, educational posters. and much more. This feature is not active yet so please stand by for a few more weeks.

Thanks for all the support and please share with your family and friends!

Vote and Yell If You Can for America to Survive!

Not only are Republicans and Democrats sharply divided, our American republic and democratic systems are in crisis. In theory, we are a republic by democratically electing officials who represent our views and vote for us on legislation. Being able to freely cast ballots is fundamental to our system. Will the great American experiment survive or implode as is being witnessed in several primary elections?

The reality TV star President, previously famous for casinos and “The Apprentice: You're Fired!” who presides over massive unemployment due to the Covid-19 pandemic, protests against police brutality and stoking the flames of race wars, is creating a Fall Blockbuster Special like the world has never seen before! Much more needs to be revealed about the bogus Russian-backed 2016 election but for now we need to proactively have our eyes wide open for November 2020.

Wisconsin forcing people to vote on April 7 during the Covid-19 pandemic caused voters and poll workers to put their lives in jeopardy. The Center for American states:

“Only six states—California, Colorado, Hawaii, Iowa, Utah, and Washington—have infrastructure capabilities and critical election policies, such as no-excuse absentee voting, online and same-day registration, and early voting, that leave them well-positioned to respond to COVID-19. Another three states—Arizona, Montana, and Oregon—are also relatively well-situated for conducting elections during the pandemic, as they have most of the necessary policies and infrastructure to support mass reliance on vote by mail.”

The voting process in America is in turmoil due to lack of preparation of voting options. According to Politico, the Republican National Party is suing the California Democratic Governor for trying to require vote by mail. President Trump is hypocritically condemning vote by mail when many states like Florida which is how Trump voted in the March 17 election. Arizona and Georgia leaders appear to be supportive of vote by mail. What happened in Georgia this Tuesday with some people having to wait in line for five hours?

Luckily, here in Colorado we enjoy vote by mail which is not perfect but has great advantages especially during the pandemic! Mail in ballots just arrived yesterday.

We already know what Mr. Trump and his minions think about our sacred Constitution and one only needs to replay events of last Monday in Lafayette Square to see how he abolishes citizen’s First Amendment Rights of peaceful protests! Now he is remotely trying to do the same thing in Seattle. Listen to Fox New interviewing Trump, which aired this morning, gently pushing back on his statement “when there is looting there will be shooting” as well as the Administration’s walk to historic St. John's Church which Joint Chiefs of Staff General Milley now regrets. Notice how Fox News cut the video of how they cleared out the protesters, ordered by Attorney General Barr - the same person who shut down the 2016 Russian interference report, as can be clearly seen on the USA Today video. There were several shocking statements that Trump told to Fox News anchor Harris Faulkner (a Black mother) that she did not challenge including:

“I think it was a beautiful picture,” Trump told Fox News. “And I’ll tell you, I think Christians think it was a beautiful picture.”

What? Think again as apparently he and many people need to read about the reactions to Trump’s photo op to hold the Bible in Christianity Today!


Update 6/17/2020

Vote , Pray, Yell for America to Survive!

According to the Christian Post, “a new book consisting of essays by 30 evangelical Christians of different political and professional stripes is calling on white evangelicals to rethink their support for President Donald Trump in 2020 and warns the president is damaging the broader culture’s perception of evangelical Christianity.

The new book, The Spiritual Danger of Donald Trump: 30 Evangelical Christians on Justice, Truth, and Moral Integrity, was released last Monday by Wipf and Stock Publishers.

“Our plea is to white evangelicals to please take another look and ask, ‘Does this person measure up to biblical norms?’” Ron Sider, founder of Evangelicals for Social Action, told The Christian Post. “We are not telling you what to include. But please prayerfully think about that. Even if you think the book will make you mad, given the title, I challenge you to read it and decide for yourself if there are any valid points that we are making there.”

Dividing the Earth

With his divide and conquer, scorched Earth rhetoric, President Donald Trump likely would take credit for plate tectonics if he could. He would boast at how oil and gas companies introduced ideas of continental drift in the 1960’s that made America great. How Big Oil discovered several features of the Earth using evidence like similar fossils found on different sides of the Atlantic Ocean and magnetic changes in basaltic rocks that showed how continents were once together have been moving apart.

However, President Trump would not give much detail to his claims because it’s just a scientific theory that may have begun over three billion years ago as the Earth cools, driven by heat released into the crust, with a similar relative thickness as a peach skin, from the deeper mantle and core (with respective thicknesses of the peach fruit and pit to follow the analogy). But this takes an understanding and trust in the scientific method which obviously is antithetical to Trump and his millions of ignorant supporters who prefer Nazi tactics, as former Trump Defense Secretary General Mattis eloquently stated this week.

To further divide and conquer America, and perhaps as an insult to World Environment Day celebrations by the United Nations since 1974, the lawless Mr. Trump signed an Executive Order three days ago to reverse existing environmental laws and hard fought court battles that have taken place for over 50 years! This is the latest rollback despite Trump claiming to be an Environmental president by using the Covid-19 pandemic and economic disaster, according to the NY Times as reasons to “streamline” environmental laws including Clean Air and Water Acts, NEPA and ESA, Talk about draining the swamp? Do you recall as do I the “Make America Great Again (MAGA)” campaign on caring about clean air and water? Here’s documentation about one year ago from the LA Times that fact-checks Trump’s claim:

“From day one, my administration has made it a top priority to ensure that America has among the very cleanest air and cleanest water on the planet.”

Actions speak louder than words! The list of regulatory changes is being tracked by Harvard Law school’s Environmental and Energy Law Program.

Working in the Trump Administration until 13 months ago, here are a few of the big projects that I heard people talking about inside and outside the government:

Oil and Gas Drilling and Pipelines running through National Parks

Uranium Mining expanded by the Grand Canyon National Park

Uranium Mining on or near Native American lands including former Bears Ears National Monument

Nuclear Power without dealing with Nuclear Waste Spent Fuel

Coal Mining and Power Plants

Burning More Gasoline by reducing fuel economy standards

The list goes on and on. As a student geologist about 40 years ago, we learned a term that when rocks undergo so much change features are not recognizable, such as metamorphic folds in many directions. We called this type of rock: FUBARITE which stands for F***ed Up Beyond Recognition.

Perhaps that can be added to Trump’s Four More Year’s Dictatorial Campaign: The FUBAR President!

Update 6/17/2020

Axios reported yesterday that a Supreme Court ruling is a boon to natural gas pipelines, “At issue was what federal agency controls the land the pipeline would traverse, the U.S. Forest Service or the Interior Department's National Park Service….Justice Clarence Thomas, writing for the majority, said under the lower court ruling that Monday’s decision overturned, any pipeline crossing at similar "footpaths" controlled by the Park Service would need an act of Congress for approval.”

Celebrate World Environment Day!

Today, the United Nations is celebrating World Environment Day! The theme of this year’s annual celebration is protecting Biodiversity and the host country is Columbia. There are great events including podcasts, films, talks by world leaders and celebrities, scientists including Dr. Jane Goodall, videos and more on the features page.

To appreciate our environment means getting outside, setting up the tent for a sleep out, hiking, planting trees, or just sitting in the cool shade!

What To and Not To Spread?

Start the Spread

Love, Light, Peace, Truth, Unity, Health, Kindness, Compassion, Cooperation, Joy, Smiles, Plants, Trees, Walking, Riding Bikes, Clean Air, Clean Water, Conservation and Prosperity!

Stop the Spread

Hate, Darkness, War, Lies, Division, Illnesses, Rudeness, Greed, Selfishness, Pain, Sadness, Death, Decay, Gas Guzzlers, Pollution, Carbon, Plastics, Chemicals, Overconsumption and Debts!

Start the Spread

Love, Light, Peace, Truth, Unity, Health, Kindness, Compassion, Cooperation, Joy, Smiles, Plants, Trees, Walking, Riding Bikes, Clean Air, Clean Water, Conservation and Prosperity!

From Darkness to Light with Courage

Storm Clouds! Such incredible suffering, deceit and Darkness – where is the relief, the Silver Lining, bright Light and emerging Rainbow?

On this Memorial Day 2020, over 5.5 million people worldwide have contracted the coronavirus Covid-19 and about 345,000 people have died. While the animal to human virus began in China and quickly spread around Asia to Europe, those countries have been more proactive in quickly responding and reducing the spread than in the Americas. Wearing masks and contact tracing are leading factors for stopping the spread.

The United States leads the way in cases and deaths by about four times compared to other countries which has nothing to do with numbers of people being tested, as the President claims to hide reality and spread more darkness. We’ve learned from Columbia University that if the Administration took action just one week sooner, then possibly 36,000 Americans would still be living. About 100,000 people have died in the U.S. in just a few short months during an unprecedented lockdown and now the virus is spreading like wildfire in Brazil with over 22,000 dead. There is incredible suffering by individuals, families who cannot visit or mourn for their loved ones, health-care professionals, and close to eight billion of us are all being affected.

This pandemic might be the first time that humanity has ever been on the same level – all because of an invisible, microscopic enemy. The virus is an equal opportunity human invader as no one is immune. Rich and poor, all countries, races, religions, political affiliation, sexes, and ages. There are many disparities within groups as some races are being impacted more than other groups. We don’t yet know why some groups are more impacted than others but it appears the virus does not discriminate. Initially, people thought Covid-19 only affected the elderly but later we found out that children are been affected in multiple, complex ways.

Ammachi says we need to have courage to fight the coronavirus. From a disciple’s book Color of the Rainbow, Compassionate Leadership, Amma is quoted, “Life seems to be unfair only when perceived with our external eyes. Observe it from within and we realize that life is always fair, because life is the totality, the cosmos. People can be unfair, but the cosmos ought to be fair, since it is equally available to everyone, but we should always remain well-rooted in out own deep convictions about the values of life.”

His Holiness the Dalai Lama, “No matter how difficult the situation may be, we should employ science and human ingenuity with determination and courage to overcome the problems that confront us. Faced with threats to our health and well-being, it is natural to feel anxiety and fear. Nevertheless, I take great solace in the following wise advice to examine the problems before us: ‘If there is something to be done—do it, without any need to worry; if there’s nothing to be done, worrying about it further will not help.”

Pope Francis insists that “an emergency like Covid-19 is overcome in the first place by the antibodies of solidarity.” This lesson “breaks all the fatalism in which we have immersed ourselves and allows us to return to be the architects and protagonists of a common history,” he says, and it enables us “to respond together to the many evils that are affecting so many of our brothers and sisters across the globe.”

Have courage to speak the truth as you know it, share compassion and courage with others, pray for everyone to come together to seek Nature’s balance and we can make our world habitable for all life.

Mastering Metrics

The book: Bad Data: Why We Measure the Wrong Things and Often Miss the Metrics That Matter by Peter Schryvers provides many examples and stories where obsession for collecting data has unintended consequences. One of my favorite stories is the Cobra Effect. As background, he describes how public schools so focused on testing to get federal funding led to widespread cheating. In India, the British colonist offered to buy poisonous cobras from locals in an effort to remove them. However, Indian people began growing more cobras to sell and when the British found out and stopped paying money, the Indians then freed their home-grown snakes. That created a bigger cobra problem than in the beginning! That might explain why I saw so many snake charmers during my visit to Mumbai 25 years ago.

Other interesting examples include the New York Police Department’s effort to get precincts competing based on crime statistics leading to under reporting and not listening to citizen complains that led to loss of trust. The author states that TRUST is one of the main reasons metrics are being collected in schools, homes, businesses and more.

More precisely, lack of trust affects everything from health care, environmental solutions, to worker productivity. Doctors rated on performing high-quality procedures leading to positive outcomes may not take on risky patients that could hurt their rating. Environmental trade-offs comparing light bulbs or where to live must consider total costs and not just obvious factors. A real-estate agent may show you less expensive homes far away from your workplace that will cost you more when factoring in transportation costs to work and shopping.

Bad Data was published in early 2020 but I wish it could have covered the Covid-19 pandemic. Schryvers discusses misunderstanding metrics to measure disease effects on a population. He lists three metrics: prevalence, incidence, and mortality. Prevalence is the number of people affected divided by population (usually 100,000 people). Incidence is the number of people contracting the disease over a period of time like in one year. Mortality is the number of people dying from the disease. He states decrease in prevalence of an illness may sound like good news but actually means fewer people are living with the disease as more people are dying quickly. Therefore, we must think critically when people are citing comparisons in these and other metrics. Testing for Covid-19 comes to mind when comparing total numbers of tests given for a country must consider the “per population” to be meaningful.

One of the best examples of a solution for the ills of Metrics is what the author calls Gateways. Khan Academy, is the non-profit that offers free videos online for mastery of education. The book is well worth reading to hear many great examples, including how Salman Khan started making videos to share with his family and became a worldwide sensation. Imagine taking middle school kids for a summer class and start at 1+1 to correct any gaps in knowledge. There is an interesting TED talk by Sal Khan talking about how even an A students scoring anything below 100% will accumulate gaps in understanding subjects that need to be corrected in order to advance to higher learning (like becoming a doctor) and this takes a longer time than offered by traditional academia where tests are timed and classes progress at the same pace. We are enjoying the Khan Academy videos that teach math, history and interviews with famous icons like Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

In summary, it’s all about Lifelong Learning and finding the correct metrics and gateways for learning from our collective experiences which is key to staying alive especially with challenges with Covid-19, Climate Change, Economic Recessions and Depressions, and surviving/overcoming related calamities.

Empowering Moms to Lead!

Celebrating Mother’s Day 2020!

Trust Our Moms to Take Control

Let Them Drive and Tell Us Where to Go.

They Know Love Without Condition

Let’s Vote for Moms Who Are the Real Pros!

Moms Brought Us Into This World

Moms Nursed Us When We Were Young.

They Healed Us Back to Health

Their Love Gave Us the Greatest Wealth!

Moms Showed Us How to Cook and Clean

Taught Us How to Dress to Impress.

Moms Pay the Bills to Make Ends Meet

Taught Us to Read and Write for Us to Progress!

All Moms Deserve More Recognition

Including Last Names Adams, Curie, Gandhi, Gates and King

Remember Abigail, Marie, Indira, Mary Maxwell and Alberta

Treasuring Moms Makes Our Hearts Sing!

Moms Are Teachers and Heads of School

Mom’s A Governors and Also A Wife.

Moms Build Gardens And Write Poetry

We are So Grateful to our Moms for Life!

How Can Air Pollution Increase Covid-19 Illnesses?

In San Francisco, I previously worked for an energy utility provider on construction projects at electrical substations. During the early days one hundred years ago, the City used coal gasification to provide natural gas which left toxic poly-aromatic hydrocarbons (PNAs) in the ground. At one electrical substation, we needed to construct new upgrades so, especially due to an elementary school next door, monitoring and minimizing air pollution became paramount. I was in charge of the environmental site monitoring so made sure we kept the soils wet and stopped work during windy conditions to prevent blowing sand. I also set up air monitors to collect PM10 and PM2.5. As will be explained, particles much smaller than human hair are most dangerous getting deep into our lungs. At the construction site, our precautions and testing ensured we did not spread contamination.

As shown on the EPA diagram and text:

“PM stands for particulate matter (also called particle pollution): the term for a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Some particles, such as dust, dirt, soot, or smoke, are large or dark enough to be seen with the naked eye. Others are so small they can only be detected using an electron microscope.

Particle pollution includes:

  • PM10 : inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 10 micrometers and smaller; and

  • PM2.5 : fine inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers and smaller.

    • How small is 2.5 micrometers? Think about a single hair from your head. The average human hair is about 70 micrometers in diameter – making it 30 times larger than the largest fine particle.

Sources of PM

These particles come in many sizes and shapes and can be made up of hundreds of different chemicals.

Some are emitted directly from a source, such as construction sites, unpaved roads, fields, smokestacks or fires.

Most particles form in the atmosphere as a result of complex reactions of chemicals such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, which are pollutants emitted from power plants, industries and automobiles.

What are the Harmful Effects of PM?

Particulate matter contains microscopic solids or liquid droplets that are so small that they can be inhaled and cause serious health problems. Some particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter can get deep into your lungs and some may even get into your bloodstream. Of these, particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, also known as fine particles or PM2.5, pose the greatest risk to health.”

What about Covid-19 Particle Size and Links to Air Pollution?

The Coronavirus particles are smaller than PM2.5 by an order of magnitude!

Here is a May 5th updated alert by Harvard University’s School of Public Health linking an increased risk of Covid-19 illness to air pollution:

“People with COVID-19 who live in U.S. regions with high levels of air pollution are more likely to die from the disease than people who live in less polluted areas, according to a new nationwide study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health….The study results underscore the importance of continuing to enforce existing air pollution regulations to protect human health both during and after the COVID-19 crisis.”

Comparing this finding with the current news may explain why New York is reporting 66% of the new hospitalizations are coming from people staying home; why the pandemic is affecting more Black and Hispanic people as they live in more polluted areas, and why it is so important to improve our scientific understanding of the pandemic and not cut existing environmental regulations before we are too quick to return to “normal.”

However, the Administration and industrialists appear to be suppressing news and challenging these results as well as the Center for Disease Control (CDC’s) guidelines for reopening the country which do not take into account the connection of air pollution and Covid-19 which the White House is shelving the CDC guidelines.

Here is a Washington Post article from yesterday:

“An early study from Harvard University linking dirty air to the worst coronavirus outcomes has quickly become a political football in Washington.

Presidential candidates, agency regulators, oil lobbyists and members of Congress from both parties are using the preliminary research to advance their own political priorities — well before it has a chance to be peer-reviewed.

The stakes are high because the study’s tentative findings could prove enormously consequential for both the pandemic's impact and the global debate over curbing air pollutionThe researchers found that pollution emanating from everything from industrial smokestacks to household chimneys is making the worst pandemic in a century even more deadly.”

Here is a related article by The Guardian with an excerpt:

“The principal risk of catching Covid-19 is contact with an infected person, and the quality of healthcare is vital in determining the outcome. But air pollution may be important in three ways, studies show. Higher death rates due to lungs and hearts weakened by dirty air is the best understood. Pollutants also inflame lungs, potentially making catching the virus more likely and raising concern about rising pollution levels after lockdowns are lifted. Finally, particles of pollution might even help carry the virus further afield.”

As a practitioner of environmental science, as well as a believer in The Golden Rule and Law of Karma, I cannot help but see the need for us to reduce pollution worldwide. Do you agree this is a global environmental justice issue? Please share your comments below.

Supreme Court Ruling Favors Clean Water

On Thursday, April 23 (my Mother’s Birthday), the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6 to 3 that groundwater must be considered in Clean Water Act (CWA) permitting. The case involved a Maui sewage treatment plant that had permits to discharge waste directly into the ocean as point sources (from pipes). University hydrogeologists found high levels of nitrate and warm water in the ocean affecting coral reefs discharging from groundwater that came from the treatment plant indirectly. The court ruled that CWA permits must consider groundwater discharges.

For more details, checkout these articles:

Hydrologists should be happy. Big Supreme Court ruling bolsters groundwater science

Science Magazine

“Tracing the movement of pollutants through groundwater is tricky work, says Thomas Harter, a hydrologist at the University of California, Davis, who helped draft an amicus brief to the court from several scientific associations. Much of what’s happening is underground, obscured except for data gathered from test wells and geologic samples drilled from boreholes. Impacts can take decades to materialize as water and contaminants slowly seep through the earth.

Computer models coupled with direct observations of water flow, pollution levels, and geology can predict how chemicals are likely to flow and interact with the chemistry of surrounding rocks. But, “There are huge uncertainties to this,” says Harter, who studies groundwater pollution from California farms. “It’s not unlike trying to predict the weather.” (During oral argument of the case in November 2019, however, (Justice Stephen) Breyer remarked that briefs laying out the science of tracking groundwater pollution had impressed him. “The scientists really convinced me they’re geniuses and they can trace all kinds of things,” he said.)”


Victory: Court decision leaves in place vital protections for the nation’s oceans, rivers, lakes

EarthJustice (argued the winning case)

“The following is a statement from David Henkin, Earthjustice attorney who argued the case defending clean water:

“This decision is a huge victory for clean water. The Supreme Court has rejected the Trump administration’s effort to blow a big hole in the Clean Water Act’s protections for rivers, lakes, and oceans.”


U.S. Supreme Court Syllabus

“The Clean Water Act forbids “any addition” of any pollutant from “any point source” to “navigable waters” without an appropriate permit from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).”

In addition to our science of using tracers to detect movement of groundwater contamination, we will be tracking how this Supreme Court decision affects similar investigations that we are working on!


Michael Moore this Earth Day released a film Planet of the Humans on YouTube. I highly recommend watching the thought-provoking documentary that digs beneath the surface of the Green Energy revolution. I felt the film pays strong homage to the iconic Planet of the Apes series focusing on human behavior of greed and corporate deceit to show we cannot resolve our peril with old or new technologies. Planet of the Humans challenges conventional wisdom of green energy and electric vehicles as well as the promoters of Environmentalism to show that trade offs are not decreasing environmental impacts. Actually, most commercial solar and wind systems and corporations heavily rely on petrochemicals and mining industries as well as promoting biomass as renewable that burns trees and garbage including tires.

The film does not offer many solutions for saving Planet Earth and all species, specifically Primates, realizing that demands on energy, transportation, and natural resources are interconnected and unsustainable. The film briefly mentions the need the do less with what we have, i.e. conservation.

I am a strong advocate of finding a balance and taking a risk cost-benefit approach to all energy sources with assessing environmental impacts. We need local, national, and United Nations energy strategies that decrease impacts to human health (including workers) and the environment.

Here are a few ideas to consider that are not discussed in film and might make a good sequel:

If we must burn coal for decades to come, phase out high sulfur coal in West Virginia in favor of Wyoming coal.

If we must burn nuclear power, phase out unsafe and older power plants in favor of new modular reactor designs.

If we must use biomass and biofuels, ensure adequate local resources and transparent public health protections.

If we must build more wind generators, make sure we have a national supply of materials including rare earth elements.

If we must build more solar electric plants, make sure they will last more than 10 years.

We need to take a stronger look at waste as a resource! Here is a blog I wrote about collecting waste natural gas at the local sewage treatment plant to run biofuel vehicles.

Also, last week nuclear engineering students from the University of Michigan received an award for proposing that waste spent nuclear fuel be used to heat and transform sewage sludge into fertilizer!

Earth Day: What Would Lincoln Say?

If President Abe Lincoln were alive today on this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, perhaps he would give the following speech (adopted with respect from the Gettysburg Address) in honor of all victims leading up to the 6th Mass Extinction including one million species based on reports by the National Science Foundation and United Nations:

Twelve score and four years ago our founding fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great planetary crisis testing if any nation will survive human destruction of our beloved Mother Earth. Our actions of exploiting God’s treasures and resources is leading to our own destruction. Most recently animal-human contact has unleashed a terrible coronavirus pandemic Covid-19 that has claimed nearly 200,000 lives and 2.5 million illnesses worldwide.

Our actions are causing over one million species to face mass extinction at our own peril. We’ve polluted ocean life and coral reefs with chemicals and plastics, poisoned rivers, land, and air, and now we are altering our climate. Many people ignored the Silent Spring, Population Bomb, and An Inconvenient Truth.

Now humanity must challenge ourselves to quickly work for and not against Nature. We must resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that all United Nations under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and that governments of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the Earth.

Uplifting TV

Last night, we finished watching the NBC five season TV series “Highway to Heaven.” It’s a highly recommended family show focusing more on spirituality than religion. I had previously seen many individual episodes but I’m now a bigger fan after evening watching from start to finish over the past two months. The last episode finished in 1989 and is currently available for streaming including on Netflix which provides the tagline: “Under God's direction, angel Jonathan and ex-cop Mark help troubled souls overcome adversity and embrace honesty, kindness and forgiveness.”

Major themes in the series involved 1) the healing beauty of nature, like in the final two episodes of Season 1 called “Thoroughbreds” with 24-year old Helen Hunt, 2) overcoming and accepting illnesses, disabilities, ageism (youth and elderly), parenting, education, victims of war, death and dying and 3) environmental causes such as in season 2 episode 9 called “Birds of a Feather.” Spoiler alert: Jonathan wears a bird costume and dies trying to protect kids and parents working at a factory that’s polluting the environment.

Watching the final show last night, I wondered if the provocative episode caused the series to get cancelled as they really pushed some huge corporate and political buttons extremely relevant then and today! In “Merry Christmas from Grandpa,” Jonathan warns a tycoon building a nuclear power plant how an accident could destroy his grandchildren and a farmer using to many chemicals polluting drinking water including fertilizers and Malathion (the Latin word for bad or evil is Mal and the pesticide is widely used in agriculture, residential landscaping, public recreation areas, including killing mosquitoes). Going up against the nuclear and chemical industries for the final episode was not enough so the angel also appears in the White House at the bed of President George Bush (a look-alike actor) and the First Lady that his future children to great, great, great grandchildren will disappear if he does not take a stand to protect the environment! Looking back on the life of George Bush, as I did in a blog in December 2018, he was relatively a great environmentalist especially compared to many current disgraceful world leaders.

Well this last episode did not get the show cancelled but apparently it was a combination of lower ratings and the actor Victor French, who played Mark, sadly died at age 54 of lung cancer from smoking.

Universal Compassion

With Covid-19 spreading around the globe uniting us to urgently find a cure, there are many examples of universal compassion and grace occurring. We cannot discount the suffering and loss of life, adversity and personal disruptions to our way of living caused by the coronavirus pandemic. As we isolate and emerge to a new world, rather than furthering the destruction of nature and ourselves, we can look for ways to serve selflessly with compassion. We must work for Nature as Nature does not work for us.

Two days ago I learned about a new YouTube show with three episodes so far called SGN for “Some Good News” featuring John Krasinski from The Office fame. We especially enjoyed seeing the homecoming of a girl with cancer, Broadway Hamilton cast via Zoom, and Fenway Park tribute to health care workers!

We are amazed and appreciative of all the people who are finding ways to make a difference by helping others and becoming more aware of our dependency on the environment. With less burning of fossil fuels we are seeing air pollution levels decreasing and animals are returning to areas visited by fewer people in many places as nature is working to restore some balance. Finding compassion for all species in the universe is what is most needed. Luckily, there is a book written in 1989 on this topic (that I read soon after it became available) from Blue Mountain Center of Meditation written by Ekneth Easwaran called The Compassionate Universe: The Power of Individuals to Heal the Environment. According to Blue Mountain:

Easwaran describes his search for a way of life that combines inner fulfillment, respect for nature, and effective participation in the world. Then he presents the fruit of that search: a comprehensive program of trusteeship. This is environmentalism as a great adventure, filled with the challenges and rewards of inner growth. “As trustees,” he writes, “we discover that each of us is a unique and essential member of a compassionate universe.”

For more insights, check out this review by Spirituality and

Also we are finding great inspiration by AMMA, whom I met in 1992, joining many recent webinars by disciples. The Stanford University Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) in 2014 provided a great interview of AMMA by Dr. James Doty, a neurosurgery professor and founder of CCARE. Stay tuned for more!

Post script on April 21, 2020

I feel very inspired by interview with Amma and Dr. Doty. I contacted Dr. Doty and he was not aware of a transcript so I have taken the liberty to record the interview which is provided here. I still highly recommend listening to the actual interview with total time of one hour and twelve minutes. I apologize in advance for any errors or editing in my recording of this interview.

Conversations on Compassion with Dr. James Doty and Amma

Stanford University, California June 2, 2014

Presented by The Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE)

School of Medicine, Stanford University

Dr. James Doty: How is everyone? This is really an extraordinary experience. As many of you know, I’m the Founder and Director of the Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE). In addition to research into the neural elements of what compassion is and how it manifests itself physiologically, one of the other aspects of our mission and a very selfish one for me is that I get to invite people who I think are fascinating people and who by their actions exemplify the highest ideals at our core which is compassion. And every time one of these individuals speaks, I believe that so many people are affected because while we can talk about all the science in the world until it manifests itself as compassion and action it has little meaning what so ever. So today it is my honor to be here with Amma and her translator:

Dr. Priya Nair: I am Priya and I am actually a doctor and I have had the fortune of traveling with Amma since I was quite young. So, I have the honor today to be with Amma along with her other senior disciples so I will translate for Amma and hope that I can do it justice.

Dr. Doty: So many people are interested in your background, you were telling me now that you are thirty years old (Laughter)?

Amma with translations by Dr. Priya Nair: Amma just had her 60th birthday, it’s the age of the body.

Dr. Doty: But perhaps as I say as I interview people everyone has a backstory or background which manifests itself at times as an adult, maybe you can tell us about growing up and how this Love of people began?

Amma (5:30 min): So Amma says she remembers when she was around seven or eight years old, she lived in a small fishing village in the southernmost part of India. She used to go every day around the small village and the houses very near each other were all made with palm leaves; so basically she would go to around 60 houses in a day to collect vegetable peels, a tapioca root peel for the cattle that they had at their house so when she would go to all these different houses she would see that most of them around 90% of them are fishermen; They would go out to sea they would come back with whatever they caught that is what they would have that day. So some of the houses she noticed that in a day they had enough food on their table they were happy, they had excess in the village sense, and in other houses even though they worked equally hard their fathers or the main earning member of the family just could not bring enough back to feed their own children and there was so much suffering in some houses and right next to them other families would be okay. When she saw this kind of disparity in the same tiny village where she was from she was almost angry at nature. Why should there be this kind of difference and sometimes this anger, this sadness/sorrow for them was so extreme she wanted to die painfully as though to take on all that suffering. One day when she was suffering with that sorrow suddenly there was a call from within when she asked the question why are they suffering and why is there so much suffering? A call came that it was a result of their past actions. And then she thought if a person falls into a ditch, it’s my responsibility to help them out and if these people are meant to suffer due to their previous actions, isn’t my duty to help them? So that feeling of compassion overwhelms her and that led to what she is doing now.

Dr. Doty: When she felt that deep compassion for those who were suffering did that in some way release her to give love to everyone? (8 min)

So Amma is saying that somebody would come and cry to Amma and whatever their problem they were facing they came crying and they came one after the next after the next and that’s how she started embracing everyone.

Dr. Doty: Would you say this opportunity is available to everyone of us?

Amma: It’s definitely available to everyone.

Dr. Doty: What happens I think though is people see suffering and they feel overwhelmed that they can’t do anything. But I say we can help, each one of us has within our power to make one person’s life every day a better life.

Amma with translations by Dr. Priya Nair: Amma says the main issue is believing we are limited and as long as we believe we are limited then we can’t achieve these kinds of actions or goals. She compares it to a battery -- a battery is limited after its charge is gone its run out so if we think we are a battery then we have a limited amount of time that we can be useful; but if we realize we are not a battery and we are connected to the Supreme Power, that Supreme Energy, then its limitless and our possibilities are infinite. So, she says we need to develop the Self-Confidence. She gives the example of a filter - our mind is full of negativities and we need the filter of Self-Confidence to filter away these negativities so we can realize no, I am capable of anything and everything. She says that Self-Confidence is like a booster rocket that helps us break out of Earth’s gravity field and so that with Self-Confidence we can achieve anything within our reach (11:30 min.)

Dr. Doty: When you were a youngster were your parents happy with your self-confidence?

Actually, Amma’s Mother and Father were sad about it. They were very upset. Especially in the village areas in India at that time there were lots of rules and restrictions for women. The fact that Amma did something like embraced everyone was far out of those restrictions. Woman were not allowed to run, they weren’t allowed to laugh out loud, they shouldn’t talk loud enough for the walls to hear, that was the rule.

Dr. Doty: I agree with that (jokingly).

No man would ever be allowed to wash dishes. They wouldn’t wash their own clothes as the woman has to wash their own clothes, you cannot stand in front of a man with a broom, as soon as a man walks in the woman has to stand up, especially if the women are taller. Even if it’s a younger brother, just because he is taller, she has to stand up for him. (14:00 min)

Dr. Doty: You know I am joking but the reality it is the woman throughout most of the world is the one that keeps the family together and in many cases is the caregiver and the provider; it’s wonderful though that we are seeing a change where people especially woman can change roles and obviously she (Amma) is an example of that. So you were telling us that as a child you felt these feelings that resulted in you having confidence to continue and I think often times many of us growing up actually are influenced by our parents to do certain actions but for some people they regret that instead of having the freedom to be really who they are or what they want to be. Do you find now when you travel in India especially that things changed dramatically for woman or is it still a struggle for woman to find a place in society?

Amma says she sees a lot of changes. There’s change in both men and woman. But the problem is that in some places there have been more changes in woman and the men have not started that change as yet or have not changed as much so the men suffer a little bit more for that. The men suffer more because the men have not changed as much. Men suffer more because they haven’t changed along with the women. Men have been very conditioned. They have been brought up in this environment; just like woman have been conditioned. It’s like if you try to force open a flower -- the bud won’t become a blossom into a flower. So that if men are being forced to change that causes some disharmony or causes some sorrow for the men. So that’s why Amma says women should try to be a little forgiving and patient. Because it may take some time for men to change.

Dr. Doty: What do you woman think about that? (jokingly asking the audience)

Amma says the fact that woman have created both women and men -- they have to find patience and forgiveness.

Dr. Doty: So as you got older and you were having devotees who were seeking out your wisdom did your parents change their view or did they not understand?

Their attitude has completely changed. Definitely. Initially, it was a fear for them because Amma would see suffering or something that was wrong and she would not think it was something a man should do or a woman should do. She would just go to help that person. And that would obviously cause fear for her parents. For Amma, compassion is the most important factor in life. Amma says compassion is the first step, so if can take that step courageously without fear then everything will follow spontaneously. When we have compassion then all of the decisions we make and actions and results that follow will have a special beauty, spontaneity and a power to it. Man’s calculations or human’s calculations can always be wrong but decisions taken from compassion or actions that are compassionate can never be wrong. Because compassion is a law of nature. And it’s because of this power of compassion that it’s the most important factor. When we give up the individual mind the thought that I am as an individual doing an individual action and we tune our minds to the Universal Mind that’s what’s happening in compassion. Then we cannot do anything wrong because it’s actually not us, it’s the Universal Power. So, its compassion that gives us that ability to tune into that Universal Energy and that’s the power of compassion. Both the beginning of life as well as the end everything is based in compassion. When Love attains perfection, that’s when the flower of compassion blossoms. (21 min)

Dr. Doty: Yes, one of the challenges though that we see throughout the world is that there is a tendency to want to be part of a tribe or a group but as soon as that happens it separates you; do you have any thoughts how individuals overcome that and embrace all of humanity as one with Love?

Amma with translations by Dr. Priya Nair: So Amma says there are many kinds of powers in the world. There’s military power, power of written word, intellectual power, so if you look at all these powers and go through history it has kind of been tried and failed. The greatest power, greater than all of them, is the power of Love and this power Amma believes if we use this power, we can actually make the entire world into one flower to bring that kind of Unity to the world. So, it’s through Love she believes that is the key. We’ve tried and failed to bring peace with all the other kinds of powers. Amma says through spirituality, through spiritual understanding, we can actually bring this Love. Not religion, per say, but it’s the essence of religion that spirituality can bring Love into all of our lives and bring Unity.

Dr. Doty: I understand that. Did you want to ask me a question? (23:30 min)

Amma is giving an example when there are a hundred or thousand pots filled with water, the sun reflected in all those pots is the same. So, it is the same way even if there are many individuals. It’s the same consciousness, the same supreme God-consciousness that is present within everyone. If we can see that God-consciousness that in itself will bring Unity. There’s actually no difference between the Creator and Creation. There are many kinds of jewelry but the gold in both is the same. When we can realize or develop a deeper understanding of the fact that we are all One there are no differences. Unity is the only outcome. She says everything is important and everything has its place. Everything is important so whether the engine of a plane is damaged or a vital screw is missing, the plane can’t take off. Everything is important in its place -- that is the understanding that we need to develop.

Dr. Doty: You emphasize from your devotee’s service to others and this seems to be a very important part of many spiritual practices and maybe you can tell us why this is so important for individuals to give service to others?

Amma gives the example of a worm. The worm eats, it sleeps, it procreates, and then it finally dies. We have an elevated birth, a human birth, and are we actually doing anything different than the worm? Are we just like the worm – we eat, we sleep, we make a living and then we die? Amma is saying it is in sharing that we can maintain the balance and harmony of nature. There are three kinds of people: the first kind of person what they get they eat; the second kind of person takes what they eat and also tries to take the other persons food to eat as well. And the third kind of person, whatever they get they eat a part of it and the other half or other part they give to whomever is around them. So Amma is saying we need to elevate from that type of person who keeps everything for themselves to rise to the level to keep only what we need and give to those around us.

So Amma remembers an incident in her childhood. There was only one small school near Amma’s house and children used to walk from three kilometers around. Children would come from three km from the north and three km from the south and that was the only school in the area. When Amma was in fourth grade they had two classes. Each class would have around 60 students so out of these students a few of them lived near enough to just run home during the lunch break. But for a few of them their parents would pack a lunch box like we would think all children would have. But there was a large number of students who would have nothing. They were from such poor families they had no lunch box to eat -- they had nothing. So once Amma saw a student, a girl sitting next to her who had absolutely nothing so she gave half of her food to that girl. And seeing Amma do that, another child sitting next to them gave half of her food sitting next to the girl next to her. And a few days later when Amma had come without any food the person sitting next to Amma thought okay I am going to give half of my food to Amma. And what happened over some time is that everybody started giving their food to the next person and even though there were 60 or 120 students in fourth grade nobody actually went hungry and what Amma noticed or what she felt from this incident that happened is that they all got enough food to eat and it was not just the food that was making their stomachs full -- it was the fact that I was able to give and someone else gave to me (30:00 min).

Dr. Doty: You know in the United States especially we are seeing this ever, increasing width between the wealthy and the poor and we don’t see them giving up. Within and probably only 10 miles from here is the largest concentration of wealth and while some give a relatively small proportion of their wealth, some do not give at all. What comments do you have about that or do you see a solution to that? How do you educate these individuals who frankly need nothing from us to open their hearts to share?

So Amma is remembering an incident that happened in one of the college campuses in India. We have five college campuses and in Bangalore in the engineering college a group of students had come to Amma when she was visiting that City and said listen, we don’t want to wear uniforms any more, we just want to wear our regular clothes. So Amma spoke to them and she basically said what is the point of education? The actual reason for education is to inculcate good values into the coming generation. So then Amma posed a question to them she said that there are many students here that come from really poor backgrounds. So, if you all start to wear regular clothes it’s going to create a divide. There are going to be some that can afford to wear the most fancy, most trendy clothes and there are going to be some that will have hardly anything.

So Amma gave the example to them of some children who couldn’t afford good clothes they took to trying to make money a quick way by selling drugs and using drugs in the process. Their whole lives were ruined as a result of that. Other children would go to their families and say we cannot continue studying unless you give us good clothes. And their parents desperate to somehow fit in would even sell their houses, sell all their property, just to put them through school in a decent way. And there was even one boy who tried to steal a gold chain off of a woman and when he closed her mouth and nose to prevent her from screaming she suffocated. And he was taken to jail, he was imprisoned as a result of that. It was all because these are desperate attempts to fit in. They are just trying to make money to fit in with the society so Amma asked these students what do you want to do? If you want me to cancel the uniforms, I will do it. But by doing that are you willing to create a situation where people are so desperate that they turn to crime and other negativities. Then they themselves said no. We’re fine we will wear the uniform. We don’t need anything else.

Amma is saying it’s that kind of equal vision of the universe. That vision of Unity that will change or bring a difference in this divide. The important thing is to understand the difference between what we need, what’s a necessity, and what’s extra or extravagant. Amma gives the example of a watch. If you have a $20 watch you can tell the time or you can have a $20,000 watch and you are still using it to only tell the time. What do we actually need and what are we using to buy that? We need to be able to tell the difference between the two.

Amma says there are three factors we need to succeed at anything in life. We need health, wealth, and knowledge. If you look at health, we need two kinds of health: physical and mental health. Without mental health it doesn’t matter how healthy we are physically we can’t give happiness or solace to anyone around us. If you take the case of wealth, you need material wealth but also need internal wealth, the wealth of spirituality. She says even if you sleep in a golden palace if you don’t have mental peace it doesn’t matter how much external comfort you have, you’re not going to be able to sleep. You can live in an air-conditioned room but unless your mind is air conditioned you won’t find any peace. And the last case is knowledge. Amma says there are two kinds of knowledge. There is an education for living and an education for life. An education for living we study engineering, medicine, what ever we need to study to make money to live and feed our family to be comfortable. Then you have education for life that is spirituality. That teaches us how to maintain peace and happiness in the midst of all kinds of adverse situations that we might have to face in life. That’s the importance of spirituality. She says when we run a business you have to manage so many people. If you have 500 people you are managing 500 minds. But in order to manage these 500 minds we must first be able to manage our own mind. Only then can we manage everyone else’s minds.

The last point that Amma made is regarding poverty. One kind is we don’t have enough money, clothes, food, shelter and the second kind of poverty is the poverty of love and compassion. So Amma says if we can fix this poverty of love and compassion, naturally those who have will give to those who don’t have. The point is to bring this compassion in and by bringing in spirituality we bring a balance between health, wealth and knowledge. This divide, this lack of compassion when we lose this balance is the cause of terrorism. Amma said we recently had a child in southern California that shot 17 people who were injured. These acts of terrorism or acts of hatred are all the result of this loss of balance. (41:00  min)

Dr. Doty: Do some people need a Guru or help and others seem to perhaps already be attuned? And then it seems there are people who keep going from place to place trying to find something but they never seem to find it. Do you have any advice for those people, not that there is anyone in this room?

Amma says the basic thing is we need to awaken ourselves. Whether you rely on a Master or not we have to awaken ourselves. Amma gives the example of a lab attendant. It doesn’t matter how many years he works as a lab attendant he himself cannot become the scientist. For that you need a specific education and certain number of years of experience. Amma is saying it doesn’t matter how long we live near a Master, we need to awaken ourselves and that is a process that happens within ourselves. She gives the example of an egg. If somebody tries to force open the egg it just breaks. It can’t hatch. It has to open from within; it has to be a process that spontaneously happens. We have to open from within whether we depend on a Master or not. And it’s when the egg opens from within that begins creation -- that’s when the new life happens. If you look at in from a practical sense on the other hand a seed needs the proper environment to sprout. The Master helps to give that environment so the seed can sprout on its own. That is the practical aspect of having a Master. Amma says when we are a child, we learn to tie our shoelaces not on our own, our Mother teaches us how to tie the shoelaces, wear clothes, read and write. We learn every single thing from somebody who knows. Even let’s say our TV breaks down we have to call somebody to repair it. If something is wrong with our internet connection someone needs to come. So just like we need someone to help us with our day to day lives, TV or internet or such things, the Guru or Master helps to fix the internal connections in our mind.

Dr. Doty: It’s appropriate for Silicon Valley!

On the other hand, Amma is not saying you need a Guru or don’t need a Guru that is still up to the individual. It depends, different people will be different. Experience is the greatest teacher. If we can learn from experience it’s individual’s preference. The fact is that God exists or the Guru exists within each of us. The Master is within each of us so we can tune into That. The more practical side is when we are trying to learn meditation, we usually need someone to guide us to say what are the steps and how do you dive deep from within. Amma gives the example of when we learn to drive; if we don’t learn from a teacher, they will drive too fast and get into some accident so it is the teacher who gives them the rules of the road. Amma also talks about medicine when we are given medicine by a doctor who says you can only drink two spoons of the tonic or medicine. If you drink the whole bottle in one gulp it can become toxic. If you take too little it can be a problem so you need somebody to guide you at least in the beginning. That’s the practical side of it to give you a guideline. Some people when they try themselves with meditation, they go 60 hours and don’t have the exact concept that it should be started gradually and they might face some difficulties.

Amma says there are some people who have tried to practice yoga from what they read in a book. And she has seen people who do it slightly differently and people have come bleeding from the ears so you need some kind of guideline on how to start.

Dr. Doty: I have to check my ears (laughter)

Amma has seen so many people come to her explaining the difficulties they have experienced.

Dr. Doty: For those who are here, are there any insights that you might share that might allow individuals to open their hearts easier and to see how compassion translates into Love and makes their life whole or better? (50:00 min)

Amma says that compassion is a decision that we make just like happiness is a decision we make. We decide every day I am going to do something good for someone at least someone around me. That decision is up to us. We have to make that decision. Amma says if our finger pokes our eye, we don’t get angry with our finger, we caress our finger and our eye because we see them both as part of us. That attitude that everything is part of us and I am part of everything else that will help us to make a stronger decision that I will help others. So Amma says where the vibration of compassion results in empathy from within it overflows as compassion as good deeds to everyone around us. The greatest form of love is the way we love ourselves. If we can love others the way we love ourselves then compassion comes spontaneously.

Amma says when we make a mistake, we don’t punish ourselves. We always try to justify our mistakes. We some how feel less guilty when we make a mistake. When we see others as ourselves, we don’t see their mistakes as wrong either and that helps us feel compassion towards them. Amma says we should all try to become role models because whether we realize it or not someone else, somewhere is looking up to us for inspiration. When we meet, it should not be just a physical meeting but a meeting of hearts. And that is what will really help people open up.

Amma gives an example of something practical that has happened to her. There are a lot of problems in nature, lot’s of disharmony and agitation in nature. Amma noticed there were a lot of bees dying because of pesticides and cell phones were another reason given but bees were dying. So when Amma mentioned this to devotees it spread on the internet and many devotees starting growing bees or having bee farms. They would bring the honey to her during darshan. It was just a small thing but it affected so many people. She mentioned in one of her talks that humanity had destroyed over 40% of nature. It’s a huge amount. People on their own started organic gardening and planting trees. Once a week, school children would go out and plant trees so it’s a small thing but each step helps to awaken that compassion. It’s a chain reaction, it goes from one person to the next and finally it becomes a huge difference to make a huge impact. Amma says often times compassion starts with a small action. It does not need to be a huge thing. Even when you turn around and smile at somebody you just look at them with a little compassion that will create a huge wave. You say a single kind word to someone that can affect them and they say a kind word to the next person and it goes on the chain of compassion.

Dr. Doty: You know it is interesting because we see so many people from the East coming to the West and in the West, we have an epidemic of isolation, depression, and loneliness. Yet we look at the East and there is where some of the greatest wisdom and insights comes from. It seems so sad that so many people wish to be like us yet we need to be like them. (58:30 min)

Amma says today if there are three people in the family, they live like three isolated islands. She remembers another example from her childhood – the entire village was a family. They all would not have match boxes to light their stoves in the morning so as soon as they woke up they would try to find the one house that still had a fire going and each person would come and collect their fire and take it back. When Amma would go to get the fire to light her stove her Mother would tell her which ever house you go to make sure you wash their dishes or if they haven’t swept the floor you have to help them clean before you come back. If she wanted to come back fast or not do it she would be punished by her Mother.

Another example is when they would sit down for dinner, she would also keep a portion of their food and she (Amma’s Mother) would tell in the next house the father may have not come back from work and the children may not have gotten anything to eat yet. Before we start eating, let’s go over and give some food to them. So that was the kind of attitude. But today it’s become the opposite -- if we are cleaning our back yard, we are putting our garbage into their back yard.

Amma says the population in India, I think it is about 1.2 billion and here it is around 300 million – I’m not sure. Even there is such a big difference in populations, there are 10 times more psychiatrists in the West.

Dr. Doty: No, (jokingly) there are a 1000 times more psychiatrists!

The number of people in jail because of drugs is much more here. The divorce rate previously in India out of 100,000 people maybe only 5 or 6 people would get divorced. Here is much more. But the sad thing Amma says it that even in India the numbers are slowly increasing. One of the main reasons is due to nuclear families. The concept of a joint, large family is disappearing and everyone is going into isolation.

Dr. Doty: So Amma has repeated all of the scientific research we have now done. (Laughing) We didn’t need to do it, we just needed to talk to Amma. (1 hr 3 min)

The main thing that has to change are the minds of humanity. When the minds don’t find peace they depend on drugs, they become ill, depressed, crime rate increases. It’s the mind that has to change. Its basically a poverty of Love like Amma mentioned before two kinds of poverty, the poverty of love, poverty of compassion – that’s the main thing that has to be changed. Until that poverty is corrected then the other poverty will not change on its own. The suicide rates are high even in India and a lot of that is due to the material poverty.

Dr. Doty: Ours are often suicides of too much wealth. You have everything.

In India, it’s more men that commit suicide. She is not sure what it is here but one of the reasons in India for more male suicides because they don’t express their emotions. They suppress everything within and it builds up and explodes and in that impulse they commit suicide. But women express their emotions. They cry their frustration and that gives them a little bit of relief.

Dr. Doty: I think that is one of the problems in the West so many people hold back their emotions and when you cannot connect you cannot have an authentic relationship. People who know me see me cry so that is how I stay healthy (laughter, applauds). But it’s only on stage.

Amma is saying that crying is a form of relaxation when you take away all the burden or mental strain through crying. Amma is not saying we should all start crying right now. There are people who come to Amma who tell her one of the people they love, their friends or their spouse, has died and because of that they cannot cry. They are sitting in shock like having a stroke with no movement at all. They tell Amma if only they would cry, they would get out the frustration and sorrow would come out. In Amma ‘s point of view crying is not a weakness. Some people feel it is a weakness but Amma says it is a tool to unburden ourselves.

Dr. Doty: Okay then I can cry now. Amma and I were talking earlier and there is the Sanskrit word “Darshan” which means “To See” that can manifest itself in many ways and in her life, it has manifested by connecting with others through hugging. And I will share a story with you that I told Amma which is we had a conference at CCARE summer research institute; we had students and faculty; there was about 60 people. At the end there was a party with the benefactors, students, and teachers and I gave a toast thanking everyone for participating and one of the senior scientists got up and thanked me for my contribution to this event and to the field and she was crying and I hugged her. And then a student stood up and read a poem and again thanked all of us for his being able to attend and I have him a hug and I said I felt like Amma. (laughter) But what happened then a senior scientist said, “I want a hug” and we ended up hugging all 60 people at the conference and half were crying and half were laughing! So, in my own little way, no I’m not a mini-Amma, I’m not saying that ok.

The literal translation of word Amma means Mother and there is an Amma in all of us as well as there is a child within all of us. There is Motherhood within each and every person. (1 hr 10 min)

Closing ceremony – Amma presented Dr. Doty with a hand-carved Ganesha statue from her school and offered Darshan to the audience.

A special treat is to listen to the entire interview and final concluding ceremony for yourself!



Supermoon Setting at Sunrise

A view from inside our home (yes we are sheltering-in-place during the Covid-19 pandemic) of the Super “Pink” Moon setting over the Colorado National Monument. The Wingate Sandstone rocks illuminated as the Sun rose.

Here is an excerpt from NASA:

“The next full Moon will be on Tuesday night, April 7. It's also a "supermoon," the largest of the full Moons this year.

The next full Moon is the Pink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon, Fish Moon, the Pesach or Passover Moon, Paschal Moon, Hanuman Jayanti, Bak Poya and a "supermoon."

The Moon will be full on Tuesday night, April 7, 2020, appearing opposite the Sun (in Earth-based longitude) at 10:35 PM EDT. The Moon will appear full for about three days around this time, from Monday night through Thursday morning.

The Maine Farmer's Almanac first published "Indian" names for the full Moons in the 1930's. According to this Almanac, as the full Moon in April and the first full Moon of spring, this is the Pink Moon, a name that comes from the herb moss pink, also known as creeping phlox, moss phlox, or mountain phlox, which is native to the eastern USA and one of the earliest widespread flowers of Spring. Other names for this Moon include the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and among coastal tribes the Fish Moon, as this was the time that the shad swam upstream to spawn.

This is the Pesach or Passover Moon. Pesach or Passover begins at sundown on Wednesday, April 8, and ends at nightfall on Thursday, April 16, 2020. In the Hebrew lunisolar calendar the months change with the new Moon and full Moons fall in the middle of the lunar months. This full Moon is in the middle of Nisan.

In the Christian ecclesiastical calendar this is the Paschal Moon, the full Moon from which the date of Easter is calculated. Paschal is the Latinized version of Pesach. Generally, the Christian holiday of Easter, also called Pascha, is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full Moon of spring. However, there are differences between the times of these astronomical events and the calendars used by the Eastern and Western churches. This is one of the years where it makes a difference. Western Christianity will celebrate Easter on Sunday, April 12, 2020, while Eastern Christianity will celebrate Easter a week later, on Sunday, April 19, 2020. 

There are a number of variations of the Hindu lunisolar calendar, but for many this full Moon corresponds with the Hanuman Jayanti festival celebrating the birth of Lord Sri Hanuman.

Every full Moon is a holiday in Sri Lanka. For Buddhists in Sri Lanka, this full Moon is Bak Poya, commemorating when the Buddha visited Sri Lanka and avoided a war by settling a dispute between chiefs. 

This full Moon will be slightly closer to the Earth (about 0.1%) than the March full Moon was, so this will be the "most super" of the full supermoons this year.

This full Moon is a supermoon. The term "supermoon" was coined by the astrologer Richard Nolle in 1979 and refers to either a new or full Moon that occurs within 90% of perigee, its closest approach to Earth in a given orbit. Under this definition, in a typical year there can be 3 or 4 full Supermoons in a row and (about half a year apart) 3 or 4 new Supermoons in a row. In practice, what catches the public's attention are the full Moons that appear biggest and brightest each year. For 2020, the four full Moons from February to May meet this 90% threshold, with the full Moons in March and April nearly tied in size and brightness. This full Moon will be slightly closer to the Earth (about 0.1%) than the March full Moon was, so this will be the "most super" of the full supermoons this year.

In the Chinese lunisolar calendar the months change with the new Moon and full Moons fall in the middle of the lunar months. This full Moon is in the middle of the third month of the Chinese calendar. In the Islamic calendar the months start with the first sighting of the waxing crescent Moon shortly after the New Moon. This full Moon is near the middle of Sha'ban, the eighth month of the Islamic year 1441 and the month before Ramadan.”

First Time Unable to Order from Costco Online!

This morning we tried to place an online home delivery order to Costco for groceries. Most items are shown as out-of stock. There are a few items showing availability like canned tuna, chicken, Spam, crackers or beans. These have limits of one or more per customer. We made a list of about 20 items placed into the cart. When we went to pay for the online order, each item came up as temporarily out-of-stock one at a time. It quickly became apparent that we could not order anything online! We wasted about one hour and wonder what is becoming of the food supply?