We Have the Power to Heal Ourselves and Our Environment

Our hearts go out to all the families worldwide that are fighting to survive the Covid-19 pandemic. Now that we are spending more time at home, we can find healthy activities to keep our minds and bodies strong. While it is important to stay informed, do you agree that an overdose of the doom and gloom news can be extremely depressing? In addition, stress caused by the pandemic including diminishing grocery supplies can be toxic to our peace of mind.

Check out the movie Heal, currently showing on Netflix and other streaming services. The theme of the movie discusses the mind-body connection to keeping healthy and healing from disease. The conclusion of the movie states,

“The human body is capable of miraculous things.It It is an intelligent system, deeply connected to our minds and the world around us, and brilliantly designed to self regulate and heal. By detoxing our environment, the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink and the products we use, we support the healing process.”

These are topics frequently mentioned in this blog and is the overall objective of Conserve & Prosper LLC. We cannot ignore the threat of the pandemic and having a clear awareness is vital. As the movie states, we need to keep the faith! We have the power to heal ourselves and the environment.

From March Madness to April Actions

On January 30, 2020 coronavirus Covid-19 became a global health emergency of international concern as shared on this blog and announced by the World Health Organization, WHO.

On March 11th, WHO announced a global pandemic:

“WHO characterizes COVID-19 as a pandemic

11 March 2020

Speaking at the COVID-19 media briefing, the WHO Director-General said: 

"WHO has been assessing this outbreak around the clock and we are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction.

We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic.

Pandemic is not a word to use lightly or carelessly. It is a word that, if misused, can cause unreasonable fear, or unjustified acceptance that the fight is over, leading to unnecessary suffering and death.

Describing the situation as a pandemic does not change WHO’s assessment of the threat posed by this virus. It doesn’t change what WHO is doing, and it doesn’t change what countries should do.

We have never before seen a pandemic sparked by a coronavirus. This is the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus.

And we have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled, at the same time."

Then two days later on Friday, March 13, 2020, the White House declared a national emergency.

On March 11- 14th, we were in St. George Utah for our kid’s baseball tournament and the Governor of Utah closed activities involving more than 150 people. Other governors from around the country began issuing orders for limiting crowd sizes and events to different requirements.

On March 15th, the NCAA cancelled the basketball tournament known as March Madness for the first time since it began in 1939! So while college basketball’s March Madness was cancelled, we been seeing fear and panic this month like I’ve never seen before.

The global stock markets crashed by 25 to 30% during this global March madness erasing that past three years of gains.

Grocery stores shelves emptied in panic buying including toilet paper.

Due to the slow and uncoordinated federal responses in the US and Europe, the virus and fear have spread rapidly. Here is a video comparing Mr. Trump’s statements on Covid-19 with a timeline.

The contrast in responses by Asian nations is remarkable. For example, South Korea has free WiFi networks in Seoul and low-cost cell service nationwide. This and many other preparations enabled a rapid high-tech response to mitigate Covid-19 according to a March 21 Wired article.

India and many other countries required staying-at-home including in my state of Colorado effective today. I heard an estimated 25% of the world’s population is required to stay home. Over 1.5 billion children (including 55 million in the U.S.) are at home and not in school according to UNESCO.

So what can we do to transform the Covid-19 March madness into positive actions in April?

We need to replace fear with courage.

We need accurate, scientific medical information and not political hogwash that stinks and hides the truth.

We rapidly need to keep school children busy at home with many productive, learning activities. As a part-time substitute teacher, I’ve found great benefit from Teaching with Love and Logic books as recommended by our local academy.

We need to pressure our elected officials to insist on a coordinated federal-state-local response to testing, obtaining protective medical supplies, sufficient facilities, people, and more. Will $2 trillion added to the U.S. economy be sufficient or is more needed?

We need positive affirmations! Checkout the show called The Secret on Netflix.

We need to be prepared and be ready, especially now that that FEMA is in charge of the Covid-19 response. See Ready.Gov.

We need to conserve and ration our resources - a continual theme of Conserve-Prosper LLC. I described my family experience with rationing during WWII in my blog on Memorial Day 2016 and here’s an excerpt:

My Mom shared memories as I was growing up of the War Rationing Program to conserve all resources. Each family received a coupon book to purchase food, clothing, shoes, gasoline, and much more. The government wanted everyone to ration goods to help the soldiers and created messages like, "Do with less so they'll have enough." Recycling programs began! My Mom described having to write a letter with only one piece of paper -- so she wrote on both sides, in the margins, and after writing the letter on two sides she turned the paper upside down to print in the spaces between the lines! Talk about being economical! So that's how my parents raised us baby boomers: to be very conservative and not waste anything. 

Here are some of my favorite prayers that we can all say to strengthen our resolve:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

Prayer of StFrancis of Assisi: "Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.”

Empowering Prayers for Everyday Life by Unity: “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. —Isaiah 40:31”

Amma knows my children are all living in fear of Coronavirus. Amma is thinking of all of you and praying for you. This is a time when you have to exercise extreme caution and alertness. It is the time to respond with courage, self-control and unity. Amma knows that my children are all afraid, but fear is not helpful now. What is needed is caution and alertness. Courage is the primary thing. With courage, you can overcome anything. So, abandon fear and gather courage. The antivirus that can kill this virus is courage. Courage is our mind’s antivirus. If you befriend धैर्य लक्ष्मी Dhairya Lakshmi [the Goddess of Courage], you will gain the strength to face and overcome anything…..Each day sit in your room for some time and chant the mantra Om Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu: May All the Beings in the World be Peaceful and Happy!

Asking Questions and Getting Truthful Answers is Critical to Our Survival

I just finished reading Ken Coleman’s book One Question: Life-Changing Answers from Today’s Leading Voices. Published in 2013, the book is very relevant to the challenges we face individually, for families, businesses and society. He shares interviews with one unique question for each of the 36 famous people including Jimmy Carter on reinvention, John McCain on courage, and Ken Blanchard on leading with love.

The book cites a quote from Albert Einstein, “To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”

The book’s three main themes of succeeding, surviving, and sustaining provide structure to the insightful and inspirational questions and answers.

With thinking of our current global crisis of COVID-19 several of the interviews are relevant on dealing with fear, obstacles, starting over, accountability, gratitude, health, fulfillment, legacy, passing the torch, and more.

One interview with Tony Robbins is particularly relevant in response to Ken Coleman’s question, “How can dream chasers achieve their full potential and find fulfillment in life?”

Tony Robbins response includes the statement, “Whatever we focus on affects our state, and our state then affects the story we have about who we are, what life is about, what’s possible, and what’s not. From that story we often determine whether or not we will maximize our capabilities and the strategies that will help us achieve what we’re truly after in a sustainable way.”

Here Tony Robbins is talking about our state of mind affecting our physiology and opportunities to achieve our potential. Asking the right questions and getting truthful answers from our loved ones to our customers, managers, and government leaders is so very critical especially during a pandemic crisis.

My Fortunate Trip to Vienna

I returned 14 days ago from a week in Vienna, Austria. The International Atomic Energy Agency hired me as a technical consultant to discuss naturally-occurring radioactivity in Northern African groundwater. This relates to trips I’ve taken over the past two years to Jordan and Saudi Arabia. The natural radioactivity is wide spread in the Middle East and Northern Africa so IAEA is working with member states to address water supplies and the potential for increased health risks in drinking water.

I feel very fortunate to have safely traveled to Europe just before the travel restrictions. I took several recommended precautions including on the airplanes cleaning my area with wipes and getting window seats with the air vent open, social distancing, frequently washing hands,and eating dinner in my room.

Covid-19: Unique Prevention and Treatment Advice from my Preferred Doctor

Over the past several years I have seen many doctors to resolve health issues.. I’ve found that the doctors available on my medical insurance were limited to the tests they could order resulting in an inability to resolve my complicated illnesses as I described on January 26th.

Over a year ago I reported on finding an incredible doctor who I’ve now seen twice and paid out of pocket for information that has greatly improved my health! Guarneri Integratve Health at Pacific Pearl in La Jolla, CA, founded by Dr. G. who began as a New York cardiologist, expanded to integrative eastern and western medical treatments focusing on prevention of diseases.

Here is news shared by email to their patients that is newsworthy consisting of a letter from Dr. Guarneri, on March 12th, additional information the next day, and ideas for being home sent on March 16th :

March 12, 2020

Dear Patients,

At Pacific Pearl La Jolla we believe that a healthy immune system is the key to preventing viruses and infections and chronic diseases such as cancer. In light of concerns regarding the Coronavirus we recommend the following:

  1. If you are not feeling well, please call the office and speak with a team member as soon as possible. You have your private access via your VIP membership to utilize phone, email and text to your Pacific Pearl Provider team.  

  2. If you are feeling well, you have the option of doing your follow-up routine appointments, lab and testing review by phone. Since we are a Membership Medicine practice, our priority is to meet your health care needs. 

  3. Non-members who have had appointments with our providers will be accommodated if possible. We are encouraging you to consider becoming a VIP Member for ease of access to our health care team.

  4. You are welcome to come in for a preventative IV immune-boosting infusion, especially if you are planning to travel. I do those myself routinely and strongly recommend them.

  5. You are welcome to sit in our infrared sauna for about 15-30 minutes. Coronavirus dies in high heat. We have other therapies, such as acupuncture, naturopathic treatments and Healing Touch.

  6. Please pick up or have us send you our viral prevention nutraceutical package which includes nutrients, essential oils and two face masks (as available). 

  7. Remember, love is greater than fear. Wash your hands, watch funny movies to boost your immune system and know your team at Pacific Pearl La Jolla is here for you.

March 13, 2020

Dear Patients and Friends,

Many of you have reached out asking additional questions about coronavirus prevention, symptoms and more. We are committed to keeping you informed.

The information we provide comes from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and UCSD molecular virologist James Robb, M.D. Of course, we are all learning about this new virus, and facts change quickly. This email covers the best, most recent information available. To keep up with day-to-day changes in coronavirus information, please go to the Centers for Disease Control website.

Some Coronavirus Facts

  • If you have a runny nose, you may have a simple common cold.

  • The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.

  • Coronavirus starts with a dry cough and sore throat, followed by fever and possibly pneumonia. 

  • It seems that the virus is less harmful to children and young adults.

  • Older adults with chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease and cancer are at higher risk.

  • It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

The Symptoms

  • Coronavirus first infects the throat. You'll have a sore throat lasting 3/4 days.

  • The virus then blends into a nasal fluid that enters the trachea and then the lungs, causing pneumonia. This takes about 5/6 days further.

  • With the pneumonia comes high fever and difficulty in breathing. 

If you develop any of these symptoms, it is imperative that you seek immediate attention.

Steps to Take If You Are Feeling Ill

  • Call your healthcare provider. Follow their instructions.

  • Separate yourself from other household members, including pets.

  • Wear a face mask.

  • Cover sneezes and coughs.

  • Don't share personal household items like dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedding with other people or pets in your home. If another uses these items, they should be washed thoroughly with soap and water before you use them.

  • Clean hard surfaces (such as counter-tops) daily.

  • Monitor your symptoms closely.

  • If the doctor asks you to come in or if you go to the hospital, wear a face mask to protect others. Let them know when you will arrive in advance so they can prepare.

  • The decision to discontinue self-isolation should be carried out with your healthcare provider and state and local health departments.

Mind Body Spirit Approaches to Staying Healthy

  • Do your best to avoid crowds and sick people.

  • Travel only if you absolutely must. Avoid non-essential travel.

  • Stay hydrated and gargle with a simple solution of salt and water daily.

  • Can't emphasize enough - drink plenty of water and wash hands frequently!  

  • Prioritize foods with phytonutrients, such as dark berries and leafy greens.

  • Get a good night's sleep.

  • Watch funny movies and limit your news consumption.

  • Practice favorite mind-body exercises such as meditation and yoga.

  • Remember to take a deep breath. Breathing in for 4 seconds, holding for 2 seconds and out for 7 seconds will put your body into a state of relaxation.

Those concerned may want to consider a preventative IV immune-boosting infusion, our viral prevention nutraceutical package or time in our infra-red sauna.

As mentioned in our email from yesterday, if you are not feeling well, please call the office at 858-459-6919 and speak with a team member as soon as possible. VIP members are utilizing phone, email and text to connect with the Pacific Pearl provider team.  Non-members who have had appointments with our providers will be accommodated if possible. We are encouraging you to consider becoming a VIP Member for ease of access to our health care team.

March 16, 2020

Dear Patients and Friends,

COVID 19 is probably going to be with us for some time. Unfortunately, we do not know for how long. Additionally, it is unclear how severe an outbreak might be in the United States.  

Thankfully, there are many things we can do as individuals and communities that may be helpful. It is important to remain calm and think clearly. Remember that our positive attitudes go a long way in protecting health, enriching our daily lives, and supporting the ones we love.   

Here is a list of things one can do at home to help in these uncertain times:

  • Meet with household members, other relatives, friends and neighbors to discuss what role each individual might take should there be a COVID 19 outbreak in your own community. 

  • Plan ways to care for those who are perceived at greatest risk.

  • Know your neighbors and come up with a neighborhood plan.

  • Identify aid organizations in your community i.e. Scripps Hospital, UCSD, and The Red Cross. San Diego Department of Public Health, San Diego Center for Stress and Anxiety, supermarkets.

  • Create an emergency contact list i.e. of family, friends, neighbors, doctors, carpool drivers and teachers.

  • Designate a “sick” room in your home should someone become ill.

If you have been diagnosed with Covid 19, you must SELF QUARANTINE for 14 DAYS. 

In addition, if you are around or have been around someone who is ill or traveled from a high-risk location where Covid 19 is prevalent, you also must SELF QUARANTINE for 14 DAYS from last known contact with the sick individual or location even if you have no symptoms.

Good things to have at home regardless of this crisis: (dose and amount of any medicine or supplement listed below as recommended by your doctor):

  • Thermometer

  • Aspirin

  • Ibuprofen or Naproxen (do not use if you have high blood pressure)

  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 

  • Over the counter cold medicine of your choice; if you have high blood pressure Coricidin HBP Cough and Cold or Flu per package labeling directions

  • Herbal Teas, (Yogi- throat comfort, breathe deep, cold season, immune support)

  • Consider an air purifier

  • Supplements that support immune function

  • Vitamins that support immune function

  • Probiotics 

  • Gastro ULC or Pepto-Bismol

  • Imodium A-D 

  • Stay hydrated, use electrolyte tablets (NUUN, Liquid IV, or Vitalyte) added to 8-12 oz of water, Pedialyte or Gatorade zero as needed

  • Any Cleaning Product known to kill COVID 19 on Surfaces Such As:

  • Clorox Brand Regular Bleach and Cleaners (any bleach product should be diluted 1/3 cup in 1 gallon water of 4 teaspoons bleach in 1 quart water)

  • Purell Cleaners and hand sanitizers

  • Lysol Brand cleaners

  • Micro-Kill Bleach Germicidal Bleach Solution (Medline Industries)

  • Micro-Kill Bleach Germicidal Bleach Wipes (Medline Industries)

  • CaviCide Bleach (Metrex) 

  • CaviCide1 (Metrex )

  • Disposable Gloves 

  • Face Masks

Please remember that there are only shortages that we create. There is no worldwide shortage of toilet paper or paper goods unless we create it. Buy in the amounts that you would as if shopping for the week. 

Positive ways to say entertained:

  • Read a good book

  • Exercise

  • Call friends and family

  • Take a walk

  • Meditate

  • Pray

  • Breathwork

  • Do Sudoku

  • Do a jigsaw puzzle

  • Play cards

  • Do a crossword puzzle

  • Watch a funny movie

  • Play a board game 

  • Play charades

Remember to practice good personal hygiene:

  • Avoid close contact with sick people.

  • Stay home if you are sick.

  • Wear a mask if you are sick.

  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow.

  • Keep your hands away from your face.

  • Clean surfaces and objects daily.

  • Use hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol.

  • Wash hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds frequently throughout the day especially after using the bathroom, sneezing, coughing, or being out in public.

  • Socially Distance yourself from others, stay 6 feet away from your neighbor, avoid handshaking and crowds.

Helpful Websites:




Coronavirus: A Global Pandemic and Environmental Retribution

The global pandemic from the coronavirus COVID-19 is not only a deadly infectious pathogen but also many people believe retribution for how we humans are treat nature. The origins of the outbreak came from people eating contaminated bats as described on my blog from January 30th. Cleaning the environment with disinfectants can kill the virus. Logic tells us that a clean environment including pure air, food and water are essential to our survival.

According to The Guardian article on destruction of nature being responsible for COVID-19, “Yet human health research seldom considers the surrounding natural ecosystems, says Richard Ostfeld, distinguished senior scientist at the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies in Millbrook, New York. He and others are developing the emerging discipline of planetary health, which looks at the links between human and ecosystem health. There’s misapprehension among scientists and the public that natural ecosystems are the source of threats to ourselves. It’s a mistake. Nature poses threats, it is true, but it’s human activities that do the real damage. The health risks in a natural environment can be made much worse when we interfere with it, he says.”

The governments that have been most effective in combating Covid-19 have strong national systems that are rapidly testing and isolating infected people. Places like Singapore that have strong environmental controls is getting top recognition for responding to the pandemic. I visited there in 1994 and they fined people for dropping a gum wrapper on the ground - it was the cleanest place that I visited in Asia.

The U.S. has been very slow to adopt testing perhaps because our government did not want to know or reveal the pending crisis. Why has Vietnam provided more testing than in the U.S., according to a Harvard researcher? I ran into this problem by managers being against testing for pollution while working as an environmental scientist for my entire career. Many people in power only want to hear good news!

The Atlantic on March 13th described the reasons for the U.S. lagging in testing compared to the rest of the world and how President Trump’s comments and misinformation influenced being prepared and taking quick and decisive action.

We are all interconnected on this planet as Covid-19 reveals. We need global laws for our health and environment. Support the United Nations and organizations, including the World Health Organization and UN Environmental Programme, for common international policies so that no one country can create more pollution and reap economic benefits. Say no to deregulation of environmental health and safety standards and let’s fight for our lives!

Senator Michael Bennet's TownHall

Thursday 2-20-20 was a very auspicious day! I arrived at the Colorado Mesa University campus by 7:30 am to sit in a class on mine reclamation taught by a colleague; later I met with an environmental science professor to discuss opportunities to support him and his students, and then joined the townhall with Senator Michael Bennet. Approximately 200 people showed up, mostly senior citizens which surprised me that so few students joined the lunchtime meeting. Senator Bennet described his bid running for the Democratic nomination to be President in 2020. He dropped out of the race after hoping to do better in Iowa and especially New Hampshire. He did get numerous endorsements including James Carville and Gary Hart.

Check out the KJCT8 inteview, “Big topics included: climate change, public lands, gun control and getting the younger generation involved in politics.” Stay tuned for more on this space regarding his legislative initiative Colorado Outdoor Recreation and Economy (CORE) Act!

I felt very lucky to hear him speak and to get to be the last person to meet him for a photo op before he left for other meetings.

Mountains and Rivers Without End, A Book of Poems by Gary Snyder

“Earth Verse

Wide enough to keep you looking

Open enough to keep you moving

Dry enough to keep you honest

Prickly enough to make you tough

Green enough to go on living

Old enough to give you dreams”

This is the shortest of 39 poems in Gary Snyder’s book titled Mountains and Rivers Without End, published by Counterpoint Press. The book is is an interesting caricature of the man and his West Coast environment. Also check out his radio interview on KQED in 2013.

John Muir: Born in Scotland and Saved America's Wilderness

A beautiful children’s book by the Yosemite Conservancy is Wildheart: The Daring Adventures of John Muir by Julie Bertagna and illustrated by William Goldsmith.

My son and I loved reading the inspiring book together sharing how John Muir, an immigrant who came to America at age 11, overcame many hardships including accidental blindness which helped him listen to birds and nature. He created National Parks and the Sierra Club on a worldwide mission so is a hero to anyone and anything who lives and breaths - i.e. all life. Here are a few quotes from the book:

“We are part of nature and its wild heart is part of us. The human creatures of this planet are connected to all our earth-born companions.”

“My life has been one big adventure. I had a dream and I worked and worked at it. I hitched my wagon to that star. Aged 65, I went on a tour to every continent except Antarctica. I crossed oceans to explore the great rivers and forest of the earth. At 73, I made a 40,000 mile trek to South America and Africa.”

I highly recommend getting a copy of this book and following in John Muir’s footsteps - go visit an American National treasure or World Heritage Site this year!

5th Grader Memories of the Praying Mantis

I frequently support the local charter school as a substitute teacher for grades 2-12 including the 5th grade. We see Praying Mantis insects around Grand Junction and a 5th grader told me they are weird and fast.

When I was in 5th grade over 50 years ago, I thought the Praying Mantis was a very cool, religious insect. We saw many of these insects in the fields around our school. I recall asking the teacher what do they pray for? She said the females like to eat the males so it depended on which sex was doing the praying!

For more interesting facts about Praying Mantids, see the ThoughtCo. website.

Child's Play Loving Nature

I grew up in Fairfax County, Virginia near George Washington’s home of Mount Vernon. Our new subdivision homes were built on farmland with some farms still operating at that time with many dairy cows. It took awhile to get accustomed to the loud “Mooo” sounds.

On the back of our home was grass, a vegetable and flower garden, and then a bamboo thicket where kids could play and observe wildlife like a family of rabbits. I did not know at that time bamboo came from Asia as an invasive species.

I also liked to lay on my back and stare up at the clouds in the sky. Big pillows floating in the bright blue sky, I would dream they were cotton candy!

The main road Sherwood Hall Lane at that time was small and winding around huge oak trees. We played Robin Hood thinking about Sherwood forest and other games outside.

There were creeks nearby, including Little Hunting Creek, that flowed into the Potomac River where we could splash and swing on vines and ropes playing like Tarzan. We’d find frogs, turtles, and water skeeters along with shiny and moss-covered rocks.

Going on family picnics to the river or parks was a fun weekend activity. A bike path was built along the river for people to get exercise outside. I feel fortunate to have spent my childhood finding a love for nature! They say people will protect what and who they love.

Coronavirus and Embracing Regulations that Protect Our Health to Save Lives

In the U.S. and worldwide, over the past several years we have seen removing important regulations that were created out of crises. When enacted and enforced, regulations can greatly protect our health and save lives! Deregulation is a popular buzz word for many to rally behind out of ignorance that seems to value profits over lives. For this month’s last blog on health topics, I will focus on the current epidemic. Next month, I will focus on the beauty of nature and environmental regulations that are being revoked to examine potential ramifications.

The current coronavirus epidemic that began in China and is spreading like wildfire with no vaccine appears to have begun by animal transmission to humans. Check out today’s Bloomberg Quick Take video (sorry for the YouTube ad) that shows the spread of the virus worldwide. It began in China on December 31, 2019 and was found in Thailand two weeks later and then rapidly spread across several continents by people infected before symptoms became apparent.

I just learned that people are eating bats and other animals in the same food chain. Check out this article about the “Bat soup girl” which states, “Like its deadlier cousins MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome) and SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), the new strain is believed to have jumped from animals to people and then mutated to enable human to human transmission.”

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is working with U.S. Government partners, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and international partners to closely monitor an outbreak caused by a novel (new) coronavirus first identified in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China. “Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. Some cause illness in people; numerous other coronaviruses circulate among animals, including camels, cats, and bats.”

“The scope of FDA’s regulatory authority is very broad. FDA's responsibilities are closely related to those of several other government agencies. Often frustrating and confusing for consumers is determining the appropriate regulatory agency to contact. The following is a list of traditionally-recognized product categories that fall under FDA’s regulatory jurisdiction; however, this is not an exhaustive list.

In general, FDA regulates:

Foods, including:

  • dietary supplements

  • bottled water

  • food additives

  • infant formulas

  • other food products (although the U.S. Department of Agriculture plays a lead role in regulating aspects of some meat, poultry, and egg products)

Drugs, including:

  • prescription drugs (both brand-name and generic)

  • non-prescription (over-the-counter) drugs

Biologics, including:

  • vaccines for humans

  • blood and blood products

  • cellular and gene therapy products

  • tissue and tissue products

  • allergenics

Medical Devices, including:

  • simple items like tongue depressors and bedpans

  • complex technologies such as heart pacemakers

  • dental devices

  • surgical implants and prosthetics

Electronic Products that give off radiation, including:

  • microwave ovens

  • x-ray equipment

  • laser products

  • ultrasonic therapy equipment

  • mercury vapor lamps

  • sunlamps

Cosmetics, including:

  • color additives found in makeup and other personal care products

  • skin moisturizers and cleansers

  • nail polish and perfume

Veterinary Products, including:

  • livestock feeds

  • pet foods

  • veterinary drugs and devices

Tobacco Products, including:

  • cigarettes

  • cigarette tobacco

  • roll-your-own tobacco

  • smokeless tobacco”

So regulations that protect our health are much different in various countries. Ironically, as is being witnessed with the coronavirus, the regulations and eating habits of one country can affect us all.

Here are some other federal agencies that create important regulations.

Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC): enforces federal safety standards

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA): establishes and enforces pollution standards

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): administers and enforces Title VIII or the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (fair employment)

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA): regulates and promotes air transportation safety, including airports and pilot licensing

Federal Communications Commission (FCC): regulates interstate and foreign communication by radio, telephone, telegraph, and television

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): insures bank deposits, approves mergers, and audits banking practices

Federal Reserve System (the FED): regulates banking; manages the money supply

Federal Trade Commission (FTC): ensures free and fair competition and protects consumers from unfair or deceptive practices

Food and Drug Administration (FDA): administers federal food purity laws, drug testing and safety, and cosmetics

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC): enforces federal laws concerning transportation that crosses state lines

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB): prevents or corrects unfair labor practices by either employers or unions

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC): licenses and regulates non-military nuclear facilities

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): develops and enforces federal standards and regulations ensuring working conditions

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): administers federal laws concerning the buying and selling of securities

The Brookings Institution is tracking deregulation in the Trump Administration. Recall in 2018, the change to remove federal pork inspectors and let the industry do the inspections? The NBC News article quotes the executive director of Food and Water Watch, “it is irresponsible for the USDA to expand a radical change to food safety responsibility in the pork industry based on a pilot program that clearly failed to show that allowing companies to inspect themselves can produce safe food.”

But in 2019, the Center for Disease Control stated the outbreak of Listeria infections can come from pork products! It is also well know that we cannot eat raw or under-cooked pork products which cause serious illness.

On an international scale, the World Health Organization (WHO), “aids countries to strengthen regulation, including post-marketing surveillance, and to eliminate substandard and falsified medicines. It also develops international norms and standards, so that countries worldwide can regulate health products and technologies consistently. In parallel, WHO facilitates access to quality-assured, safe and effective health products by assessing medicines, vaccines and medical devices for priority diseases.”

What does WHO say about coronavirus? “Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure and even death. Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness such as coughing and sneezing.”

Late this evening, WHO declared a global health emergency!

So maybe we needed to reconsider “deregulation” and actively debate ReRegulating common sense rules not only to save lives in the U.S. but worldwide as we are all interconnected on this Earth.

Does Having Health Insurance Ensure or Injure Our Health?

Much of the debate about health care has been focused on getting everyone covered by health insurance. Certainly, having health insurance can be preferable to not being covered - especially for major medical expenses. However, I’ve learned especially over the past year that having health insurance does not ensure we will remain healthy based on the advice of doctors complying with managed care. The constraints by insurance companies can even injure our health by limiting diagnoses and treatments.

About 20 years ago a very good doctor friend of mine owned a orthopedic practice. When “managed care” became the buzz word for medical insurance companies taking over medical decisions being made by doctors, my friend decided to sell his practice. He became richer and volunteered at a hospital in Thailand for six months where I joined him and we traveled together. They did not have health insurance in Thailand or medical malpractice lawsuits at that time. When insurance and lawsuits became more popular, health care costs skyrocketed. However, it is still less expensive to get treatments in other counties and prescription medicines often cost less than in America.

Over the past year, I have been learning about the two-tiered system. People might find a doctor they liked on an insurance plan who decides not to accept insurance anymore. These elite doctors do not want insurance companies telling them what to do, what tests are needed, or what is the best course of treatment.

I learned much more about my health and diet, as discussed in the previous blog, by seeing a doctor not covered by insurance. The testing and treatment are tailor made to fit the individual. I’ll still use and need health insurance but going outside the system is liberating. The extra costs are commensurate with the positive benefits. The knowledge gained from the elite doctor far surpassed what I knew before. A genetics test greatly helped my diagnosis. However, when i approached the insurance company to find a doctor who could read the genetics test, there was only one doctor on the plan in Colorado who was not taking appointments for 2 years! I did pay the new doctor to tell me the results as waiting two years seems outrageous.

Food Awareness Is Key to Our Health

Consuming the right foods is an increasingly huge challenge. As kids we ate too much junk food, sugar, and white bread — getting older with more awareness, we are spending more to find the best quality food that fits our diet and budget. I wish I knew more when I was younger so maybe some of my lessons learned can help others.

I recently got a lab blood test from US BioTek that indicated the best foods for me to eat. I discovered the need to avoid beef, dairy and egg products, oats, and certain citrus fruits and vegetables like mushrooms. I used to like eating a can of white albacore tuna each week and new guidelines indicate waiting about 10 days for adults and monthly or longer for kids due to mercury levels.

WebMD lists healthy vegetables that are sources of good carbs including broccoli, carrots, corn, sweet potatoes, beets, parsnips, brussels sprouts, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, and spinach. These are great to eat fresh, in stir fry, or a crock-pot stew with chicken or other meat.

Many studies indicate how sugar causes numerous illnesses so we avoid soda drinks and many desserts. Going gluten free and reducing bad carbs is making for a slimmer waistline. We’ve also found benefits in juicing vegetables, like celery, and making protein smoothies. The new testing is showing my food allergies to Whey, Soy and Pea Protein so lately the Hemp protein powder in almond milk is working very well.

Keep finding the best foods that work for you and your family!

Can An Apple a Day Keep the Doctor Away?

According to WebMD, eating an apple a day really does keep the doctor away, as long as you eat the peel. An apple provides antioxidants like 1,500 mg of vitamin C with for soluble fiber to reduce cholesterol. Apple skins are found to fight cancer and other health benefits.

We should qualify that eating an organic apple is much better than if it’s grown using chemical herbicides and pesticides!

This blog introduces the health care topic that I will be sharing lessons from my experiences that hopefully will benefit you and others!

Let it Rain: Some of My Favorite Tunes

Highlights from UCRBWF

The 9th annual Upper Colorado River Basin Water Forum was held on November 13-14 at the Colorado Mesa University (CMU) in Grand Junction, CO. This year’s theme was “Tools for Adaptation.” The two-day conference consistently provides an outstanding overview of the multidisciplinary issues concerning conflicting interests in the region. Some of the diverse presenters and attendees (like students, professionals, and retirees) discussed topics including agriculture, energy, engineering, fishing, forests, law, management, parks, policy, politics, recreation, science, timber, tribal rights, and urban demands.

The general theme seemed to be that the upper basin states of Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and New Mexico are not using their full share of water as determined by the 1922 compact while the lower basin states of Arizona, California, and Nevada are using too much of their allotment. Overall, the Colorado River provides water to over 40 million people as well as food (or animal feed) to much of the United States and abroad. There is a treaty with Mexico to provide water as well as numerous tribal nations have made water rights settlements. The system of prior appropriation means who legally applied first gets the senior rights which includes California, many urban systems, and agriculture. The junior rights went to Arizona, tribes, and environmental uses. This is becoming really bad news to the four million people in the Phoenix area who will struggle to find adequate replacement for their water supply, as well as tribal people who are unable to build and use available supplies, and wildlife depending on adequate stream flow.

The river system has been overallocated, meaning more people claim rights to water than is available, creating more demand for groundwater especially during severe droughts. Supreme Court cases have been fought over state water rights and the 7 state compact agreement will need to be renegotiated or face federal intervention to preserve required lake levels for hydroelectric power generation. Some speakers described using the courts to resolve issues as high-stakes gambling. Ironically, to fund the Colorado Water Plan voters approved sports betting! Please see my original comments on the CWP submitted over four years ago.

To reach beyond conflicts, many presenters demonstrated positive results by creating collaborative partnerships. I’m most impressed with non-profit efforts by The Nature Conservancy, Trout Unlimited, and the Colorado Water Trust. Here is a link to the abstracts with biographies of the speakers.

So for some more highlights, here are a few essential notes:

  • The US Geological Survey in 1916 got the science correct to forecast limited water supplies but the US Bureau of Reclamation’s incorrect oversupply predictions were used in the 1922 Compact with 7 states

  • The two dammed reservoirs (Powell and Mead) account for loss due to evaporation of 1,000,000 acre-feet which is about 6% of the total supply

  • Municipal water suppliers and industries are increasing efficient uses of water

  • Tribal advocates for spiritual nature of water essential for sustainability over commodity mentality

  • Northwestern New Mexico is building $1.1 billion dollar water supply for Navajo Nation and other tribes

  • Southeastern New Mexico boom in shale gas uses 60,000 acre-feet of fresh water yet produces 100,000 acre-feet of waste brine solutions so new applications for water rights by industry are being put on hold with the new Governor over the past year

  • Closing coal-fired power plants affects tribal incomes that will need compensation

  • Population growth is largest in southwestern U.S. which cannot support resource demands

  • Industry wants water banking and new aquifer storage and recovery systems

  • Over use of surface water - groundwater causing ground subsidence in many areas

  • Alternative Transfer Mechanisms are an alternative to “buy and dry” when housing developments are build on ranches to negotiate deals with multiple stakeholders

  • Excessive outdoor water users need more utility and community enforcement

  • Direct potable reuse is being adopted in several states to recycle water supplies

  • Two book authors gave terrific keynote presentations: Eric Kuhn and Zak Podmore

  • Colorado River water gets reused 17 times as it flows downstream

  • A politician claims grazing is good for forests

  • A US Geological Survey scientist states grazing causes 50% increase in sedimentation and that soil crusts are easily damaged and hard to restore

  • River water supply forecasting is done by 15 federal centers including CBRFC

  • The National Water Model v. 2 needs upgrading by federal agencies with support from big tech companies

  • The National Water Map is one related product by USGS

  • Training is available with the Center for Snow and Avalanche Studies

  • There is an ag water conference in Loveland, CO on December 2-3

  • Augmented stream flow and management plans can keep rivers flowing

I’m grateful to the organizers and participants for this great educational forum!